I wonder if I did the right thing

Did I do the right thing by putting Baekhyun and Taeyeon in my new one shot? It was meant to portray the reality of marriage, divorce, they romanticize dating and marriage so much and I just wanted to show reality. It may not be your reality, but at least it is not romanticized?


I have gotten 7 subscribers for the fic even when I have not posted the fic, as much as I am happy that my fic is getting attention, I wonder if they subscribe just because of the chracters or the bits of romance in it. I wonder if they will view the story in a superficial way, it's the dissolving of marriage, the way parents shatter the world of children's when they divorce, the emotional baggage because there are financial baggages and but it's so strenuous that marriage is not even a fun thing to think about, to think that this is so common in society. 


I don't know, I just want everyone there to learn something? Because as mentioned in the foreword, divorce has been on my mind for the past few years and it is a serious matter, I don't want my story to be viewed superficially just because I used a certain cast.


Is this fear irrational?




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As i always like to say: F*** what society thinks. You can't please everyone. You write for no one but yourself. Do what you deem fit not what you think your readers deem fit
It'd not irrational. Using a certain cast to get more views in order to learn this lesson is actually practical. So I say go ahead.