lol soz about this

yeah so i havent been updating very much

mainly because my time on the computer is limited, especially with my father chucking a fit every time i so much as touch something with a screen.

the red note book is an exception (maybe) because i can update that on my phone bc yknow short entries

but im sorry if you've been hoping for updates (are there any of you out there if yes hi and im sorry)

also im having a bit of trouble writing things

i hope yall understand and if you roll your eyes at this i cant really fault you


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okey. . . waiting patiently.
1ll1ll9oo #2
That doesn't... Sound... Um... Good.
I don't know how serious that is, but... Be careful, yeah? ^^

It's alright, update whenever you're ready ^^
take your time we'll patiently wait for an update!