Let me speak my mind..

Hello everybody~!

Juliet here! Heh - I feel like most of my blog posts start like this; first "hello everybody", then a picture of mainly Taemin or another SHINee member, and lastly a signature "Juliet here!". Haha.

I feel like coming out with something. To speak my mind. Don't worry though, It's in no offenssive way. It's just that some people claim that Ontae is a uncommon pairing with very little love moments. I don't think that's true - at least not from my point of view.

So let me tell you guys how I feel about..




To me, Ontae is one of the most loving pairings in the K-pop fandom. In the pure, innocent way. They have so many emotions in their eyes while looking at each other, that may not be love in real life, but at least something that shows that they are very, very close. Onew always looks so proud when he's around Taemin. Like a father figure. And Taemin looks so proud when he's around Onew, too - like a younger boy admiring an elder. Only a fool would say that Taemin and Onew aren't close.


As for the pairing, I find that while 2min is all about naughty moments like these..



Ontae is all about glances.


Those loving glances they share all the time. And how they listen so well and intensely to each other.





It's like they rest in each other's eyes.


Not to mention their cute moments.







"Come here, young man!"


"You haven't given me a good bye kiss yet! You always do! Explain yourself!"










Querstion: What are your favorite, or close to, pairings right now and why?

My favorites are 2min, Ontae, Onho, Taekey, Jongtae, Jongkey, Taechul, Jongkyung, Jongyu.

You know why I love Ontae now.


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You didn't finish with "Juliet here" *disappointed*

"OnTae is all about glances".
2Min is all about touching butts.. XD

OnTae is cute. Though it seems more as brother-love, I think I can look at them as "lovers" like 2min and Jongkey

But who the hell are Jongkyung and Jongyu?
I love you so much. And I love OnTae so much. I think it's my favourite pairing. I have a lot of friends that ship 2min, and so sometimes raising my hand and saying I like OnTae more is a bit weird. I mean, I don't care about disapproval; I just don't like hearing that this pairing is more real than that other one. I don't like hearing that what my friends like is right, and what I like is not as right. And so, I found this post really beautiful. Too beautiful in fact. I am more into het pairings. Even though I can write romantically, and even though I have nothing against romantic , when it comes to SHINee, I kinda see it more as brothers than lovers. But, of course, that's just me. Anyways, instead of rambling, I'll just finish by saying that I saved all those OnTae pics you posted up there (well the ones I didn't already have). And thanks for sharing this. I really appreciate it ♥
So cute! They are really sweet together. Maybe it's because their age but I just feel like Onew wants to do his best to take care of Taemin. And Taemin finds Onew very reliable and amusing so he likes to be around him ^^ They have some of the sweetest looks at each other!
I love all pairings just not ones where they have a guy who tops with another guy who top aka or for example Jongho or Minyu....
Is Minyu even possible? 0.0
And soooooo many pictures... My broadband is overloading... XD
Yes. I'm glad everybody have their own opinions. To me, it's precious. ♥
Killer #6
Everyone has their own opinions, but I agree with Val noona. Though, I really have nothing against OnTae. c:
Oh man, I agree with you.
OnTae is so sweet. I love them<3 I adore all leader/maknae pairings. <3
OnTae is beautiful. ;__;
I love OnTae so much. It's definitely my favorite pairing after 2min, hands down. It's so sweet, tender, cute...idek, they're just so...well while 2min has that chemistry that defines them, and they match so well, and all that, OnTae clearly has this affectionate bond. All they have to do is glance at each other and we can tell from the look in their eyes that they're close, and I just love it so much. ;__; So sweet.
OnTae was almost my OTP, and to be honest, I think the only reason it isn't is because I've been exposed to a lot more 2min than OnTae.
Anyway, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said in this blog post. And that bit at the end, aww I feel like crying for Onew. ;_; COME TO ME, DUBU. I'LL LOVE YOU. ;__;
That's what OnTae is. It's not a real "pairing" because OnTae is brother or father/son. I can't see it romantically.
theGwii #11
<3 so many beautiful GIFs *downloads*