
You would think that 15 years of living would teach me how to be polite, but I really don't know what to do. I get all flustered, I really don't know what to do, facing that kind of judgment from parents and adults in general. 


I do need instructions on what to do in that setting, it's just nerve-wrecking to have my parent's guests over and they keep telling me to greet them, I feel that my space is invaded? And when my paternal relatives come (or call) it's the worst, they judge my body so hard. (Adults in general) I don't get why my body is not all right? Because that's how I am and I accepted it, it's not your body anyway and if you hate the way your body look, you make changes to your body? I don't care about my body looking great and curves and whatnot.


And you call me rude, what makes you think that you deserve respect? I see how my family is broken, they make it look like everything is okay, but what makes you think that I think it's okay? They judge my mom so hard. And the pressure, I see my cousins talking to me on how I should be polite to parents and , I'm trying, but they think it's so easy when everything is breaking down? Why does it look so okay on the outside, it's not okay. 


We should respect you because you're adults and you would conduct yourself in a manner that is deserving of respect, but you're an adult and you are like children, so immature in your thinking, what makes you think I should respect you? The way you could disregard my identity as a dancer and give advice about my body and low blood pressure, insincere advice like, "eat more, you're skinny." 


I think you'll forget that you have a dancer as a relative after I'm gone? 


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For me, it doesn't matter how old they are. I'll respect them if they do the same thing to me too.
I also feel the same way as you.
I really wish I could show this to my parents because they don't seem to know how to "earn" my respect, I guess you could say.