Fairytale Gone Bad available again and new story

Sooo, Fairytale gone bad is available again and I am planning on writing another story, which is going to be public as well.


Yeah, I know, I am writing at many stories at the moment but they help me to focus, as strange as its sounds and I won't get bored XD


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choco_cat #1
Ohhhh yay~ Thankyou ^^ I really love you writing (im sure ive mentioned that countless of times already...) But seriously, the language you use and the plots you come up with are so original and interesting! I dont care if your stories have OCs in them. I mean seriously, hollywood movies have OCs, manga and anime have OCs and even the novels we read have OCs. I dont get why people get all annoyed when you use more OCs :c To me, its just that I have to build my own image up but thats what we do whenever we read other books anyways!
Oh and thankyou for updating Babylon AD! I just fell in love with that story again xDDD <3
i feel you tho. having many stories is like looking forward to something. like thinking what to write in continuation. but sometimes, they get mix so yea. hahahaha.
Looking forward to another one of your amazing stories ^^ and reading Fairytale gone bad :)
alrady subsrbited to the new story and looking forward to your stories again! :D
fighting! :D
Chaa04 #5
Okay!! I love you, your stories and your idea, your character, how you potray them, the fantasy world that you make and the romance!!! Thankyou for making it public ♥♥, so i can read it!!! I'm fine with you making new stories because i read all of them at the same time too! Oh i love two moons the most, the misfits series is just ugh!, the legends series is a LEGEND!!! Oh and black pearl, loveitloveitloveit THANKYOU FOR MAKING THE STORIES! ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY!! HAVE FUN!!
Lorenzoella #6
This is my first time hearing about "fairytale gone bad" (natsu and Ezra popped out of my head, I know, it's fairyTAIL, but same pronunciation xD)
I can tell that it is one hell of a story author nim! I'm excited to read it :D
Readers are causing a ruckus on the comment section xD
On the other note, we have different ways (may them be strange) but nonetheless ways to focus. I found that my mind work wonders at 4 in the morning accompanied by a blaring headphone xD that's my secret for focusing xD waking up super duper early to get things done
Oh wow I am so so happy you are updating many of your fics again. Thank you~
Yey! Just yesterday I remember FGB and I was wondering what's gonna happen... and when I woke up I saw this blog... I think I'm a little bit lucky, hehe. Thank you Aka-chan your stories always show us a new brand world. -even i can't read your stories for now because of my work and other things but I can't wait to read them :)-
Btw i want to ask a random question. .. did you ever watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel or any other work of Joss Whedon... I was watching Angel yesterday and I just wonder this :)
Thank you so much for everything :)
wow, you being multi task. I'm so jealous of you. Just doing my homework get my mind wonder to the dreamland. kekeke, fighting Akacchiin!
Omg! Thank you Author-nim for making some of your stories in public again! <33 You don't know how happy I am knowing about it :3 First it was Misfits then Lost King then this! <3333 I can't wait to read your new story too :) FIGHTING ALWAYS! Seriously Author-nim, you really have the talent of writing awesome stories and got a super awesome imagination of yours.
I'm really happy that we can read your stories again authornim. Hwaiting!