〈♚〉EMPRESS — {Constance} Contance Honjo Contraire



Sachi / LimSoomie / 6-7

 ♚ — Connie (A playful nickname and usually used by Say and Hansol)

♚ — Con PD (A self-made nickname to remind that she will always be the cameraman

♚ — Senjougahara (A self-made 2nd Japanese name and her 'anime' name)

AGE 20
BIRTHDAY — 18/December/1994
BIRTH PLACEShibuya, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
HOMETOWNParis, France, Europe 
ETHNICITY French-Japanese

♚ — French; Native / She literally speaks in this language everyday)

♚ — Japanese; Fluent / Her birthplace is Japan and she grew up with the language

♚ — English; Semi-Fluent / International language and she feels is that she must learn it

♚ — Korean; Semi-Fluent / Well...she has to right?

Jang Chom Mi

HEIGHT — 169 cm
WEIGHT — 53 kg

APPEARANCE Her face is nothing different from her face-claim but it has some really minor ones. Her cheeks are slightly skinnier but still looks chubby, she has a beauty mark near her left eye, her eye colour is light brown and her hair is naturally wavy with the colour of ombre dark caramel brown hair

STYLE Her style is unpredictable but mostly she's more to a punk goth. She wears lace mini skirts and black shirt, boots and knee socks are her favourite, accesories are sacred. And yes, she loves everything black, red and purple. Sometimes she uses mouth mask and it resulting of people being more scared of her than before because of her intense glare. It's like she's out from a manga or something. But sometimes she also like sweaters and jumpers, usually when she's at dorm or when she's too lazy to dress. oh she love to wear dresses, especially the ones with laces and has the dark european or steampunk lolita feeling to it. Or sometimes she wears a simple kimono or yukata

(+) Loyal, Protective, Persuasive, Unpredictable, Charismatic (When needed)
(-) Sadist, Agressive, Stubborn, Blunt, Aloof


Born with 2 names, Constance and Anezaki, Constance is the type of woman that you'll find confusing. She's not your over-excessively cute and sweet little foreigner girl. Constance does act like a toddler but by all meaning, it means that she'sstubborn and extremely moody. She will not hesitate to plants her foot on your head and destroys it until there are no more skull possible to be broken if you ever bother her, easily provocated and extremely agressive. She's very blunt, she's not afraid to speak up her opinion and stands for herself and her friends. She is often described as quiet and scary yet her pretty features is not helping at all. She despises her 'Little Girl' features that makes people to not take her seriously (Well, at least until she shoves them a cookie down their throat). Back to the topic, she's sly and sneaky, also very persuasive. She can make you tell all your secrets and even the deepest ones. No doubt, she'll use it to blackmail you if you have what she wants or maybe just for fun.

She has a devoted love for food and anime/manga. She is a true shiksin of the group and there is no such thing as 'diet' in her dictionary. Amazingly though, she has a different digestive system that keeps her body to stay as a model's body. She is the most up-to-date when it's about anime. There won't be a day without her talking about her favourite character and anime. It is been said that she loves 2D guys more. When the lights and camera are on she turns into 'Anezaki'. 'Anezaki' comes from the word 'Aneki' which is a gangster slang for 'Bigger sister' or 'The female boss'. Her charisma around her is more to strong, powerful and untouchable and again, some people actually say that she 'tries' to be y when she's not trying at all. Her face is the main problem of hers but she's not going to have a plastic surgery ('Naught for usal' she said). Another thing is that she's really obssesed with Alice in Wonderland's Outlandish language and most of the time she'll use those terms. At a selca program (And she'll be happy for the program), she'll always be the one who films everybody. The nickname 'Con PD' born there. She'll sometimes interrupt the members when they're talking by averting the cameras away or when she's not holding the camera, she'll suddenly hugs them and pulls them away. At programs, she's surprisingly active. She'll talk very rare at first but after a while, she'll talk about something related to it at the least expected time and makes people think '/gasps/ She can talk!'

BACKGROUND — Constance Contraire means Constantly Contrary. Anezaki Honjo means The Confident Sister. Born with 2 names but with the same meaning, an odd girl with a bit of an odd life. She lost her father at the age of 10 when he deported for his duties at Afghanistan. Leaving Japan, she moved to her mother's homeland Paris and lived there. Constance is a stubborn head from the start, any events had nothing to do with her hard personality. Many people had hard time to understand her uniqueness because she doesn't want to blend with other, she wants people to blend in with her. It was quite a surprise on what she can do, doing 3 jobs at the same time. Bands, school's choir and gymnastics. The 3 things that she's fond of, given that she bears the skills of diva's voice from her mother who is an opera singer and large musical knowledge from her late father who demands her that she should learn music. While gymnastics is another thing that she tried to do and ended up liking it a bit too much. How she got into K-Pop is through her classmate who is a fan of Baby V.O.X, Jewelry and Shinhwa. What caught her eyes is actually CSJH, she had been a huge fan of them since then. Then she introduced it to her bigger cousin who encouraged her to do it.

Being a singer is one of her dreams besides being a professional gymnast. After getting permission from her mother, she and her cousin flies to Korea under the care of her cousin of course since she's already old enough. She auditioned to SM at first but then somehow rejected, saying that her voice is too loud and not cute at all (one of the reasons why she start to despise cute concepts). She then auditioned to Stardom Ent., although not that famous yet, she was trained and loved there. She made friends with fellow trainees and sometimes witness some groups and soloist leaving the Stardom. As time goes by, she was suddenly scouted by another company. She doesn't know how but it is mostly like the CEO sees a certain potential in her and made an agreement with the other CEO. How she was surprised when she was actually be in SM Entertainment, the home of CSJH and TVXQ. That makes her a tad happy about it


— Poetry

— Opera

— Gymnastics

— Guitar & Piano

— Card tricks

— Cookies

— Leather jacket

— Sleeping

— Mini dress

— Her 'Book of Threats'


— False notes

— Dodge ball

— Messy rooms

— 'Shiny' vampires

— Over-excessively cute girlgroups (Except Orange Caramel)

— Fake girls

— Crayon Pop (No really, she doesn't like them)

— Party poopers

— Nosy people

— Netizens that thinks he or she is saying something smart but actually really stupid

— Stupid questions

— Judgemental people

— When somebody calls her cute


— Singing

— Doing gymnastics

— Reads manga and watches anime


— Stares blankly at people

— Instantly glares when being mocked or made fun of

— Mutters curses in French when upset

— Crosses her arms when she is not amused

— Growls when somebody treating her like a cute person (Just don't expect to survive even if you as dare to call her cute)


— To fail

— To be pushed down

— Thunderstorms


Most of the time she doesn't use formalities

She's still learning Korean language but able to write them

She's on the progress to learn the language Germany and Russia

A hardcore fan of After School and extremely in love with Jungah

She was part of school's choir in both Shibuya and Japan

She is a soprano, to be believed surprassed the power vocal of TVXQ's Changmin

She is extremely flexible due to her gymnastics lessons

She had once enter the nationals in the category of gymnastics and won the silver medal

She has dozen of manga in every genre

She has a cat named Eliciana

She uses a flip phone

She's biual and supports LGBT

She has a book named 'Book of Threats'. It is a book filled with other people's darkest secret that she managed to got out

She literally despises sasaengs because they're humans without any morals whatsoever

She doesn't mind when her bandmates call her cute (But don't expect her to not let you survive if you as much as call her that)

Likes to throw and kick things. Love to shove a cookie down to people's throat

Doesn't call older guys oppa, she calls them 'Nii-san'

If you want her to have formalities towards you, prepared to be called 'Grandma/Grandpa'

Uses Japanese emoticon when texting

She's literally in love with Yoichii Hiruma

She's not really fond being stared at. Not when in stage or when there's a photoshoot, but when a few people clearly stares at her. She'll shift uncomfortably before snapping at the person who stares at her

Can play piano and guitar

She has a bit of anger issues

She has the kind of body and digestive system that will make all girls jealous. No matter how much she eat, her weight are still that and that

Prefers anime over K-Pop because anime world is much more pleasant than the real world ho ho

She has a band at Japan named 'Shinsen Melody' / ShinLody as guitarist, vocalist and leader (Members: Constance, Muto, Zakuro & Hamasaki)

Father [Deceased] / Akashii Honjo / 56 / Military Soldier [Rank: Lieutenant Commander]8-9
♚ Mother / Valentina Honjo-Contraire / 53 / Opera Singer /  9-10

FRIENDSthey can't all be idols. unlimited.
♚  Kwon So Hee / Say / Idol (EvoL) / 23 / 8-9
♚  Shizuka Park / Choreographer / 29 / 8-9
♚  Natsuko Sakurahaza / Zakuro / Part of Shinshen Melody (Bassist) / 19 / 7-8
♚  Lee Sungjong / Idol (Infinite) / 22 / closeness (1-10)


Yang Yo Seob.
PERSONALITY The sassy prince. The aegyo machine. The boy with the monstrous grin. That’s what people had been calling him. He is a very cheeky and lively person, not to mention bold and doesn’t have any equal kind of respect to anybody. He always thinks that everyone is his friend and everybody loves him, no matter what he does or what he says. He’s super optimistic and always happy. You will never find a guy that will not smile even a second. But there are times that he will go quiet especially when he’s feeling cold or unamused. He loves everything in his eyes that looks cute and squishable, even if it’s a person. He’s a total sweetheart and cheesy, he loves making cute picking up lines to girls. He only loves those girls who are considered interesting in his eyes and not just cute and squishable. Yet he has this side who’s mischievous and playful also, that is when with someone he likes. He’s more carefree and flirtious, showing that even he can be naughty. He can be your bad boy if you want him to be. He has another erted side of him, that is annoying but somehow unavoidable
HOW YOU MET They met at a park. It was the cold of the winter and the laughter of a few adult teenagers that met them. Hansol and their trainee mates decided to go for a walk on the winter, although Hansol detest at first because he hates cold. But they dragged him out of the practice room and they're already outside with him scowling and mumbling to himself. There are a few of the trainees with them, including a girl that has covered with her scarf and bedroom eyes as if she had just been woken up. He didn't pay any attention to her and kept on walking, until he felt a hard and cold impact to his head. He yelped and frowns as he feels the cold down to his spine. The suspect is already running from another trainee (assuming that he also throws it at him) causing Hansol to pout. Then he felt a soft pair of hands rubbing and caressing his locks. He turns to meet a catlike brown orbs that bores into him. He stood there awkwardly "W-Wha-" "Ice" she stated simply as she pulls back her hand and shoves it down to her pockets. Both of them are silent for a while, not minding other people. Hansol's eyes twinkled and glomps her, resulting a surprised yelp and a scream of protests from her. Hansol squealed and repeated 'So cute' like a mantra while pinching her cheeks. Anger obviously shows on her eyes as she pushes him away with a growl but it only makes Hansol more hyped and literally jumped on her. Her cries of help are ignored by the other, they are too occupied with their phones to take pictures
INTERACTION — Their interaction are always including Constance yelling at him and him giggling at her unattempted cuteness. Their interaction is almost comical, with Hansol always pinching and hugging her while Constance is growling and glaring at him. But they're also the best of a friend. Hansol is always the one who greeted her with a hug on backstages while Constance only gave him a pat (Which makes him pout). He sometimes ignores the others and only pays attention to her. Hansol can also change to his bad boy mode, pulling her to a corner with just the both of them and tease each other, lifting his shirt and makes her put her palms on his glorious body. He swore that one day he will own the body of Constance Contraire and she will be his and his only. As for Constance, she's confused. He always gives the vibe of being her best friend, then turn into an annoying person. From a sweet cheesy talker to a dirty bad boy. She's confused with his complexity and of her feelings. Is it love or just like? Because they're both are not the same. It is even more confusing when he just recently ask her out
RELATIONSHIP — Recently dating


Kim won shik / ravi.
PERSONALITY — Although he's most likely be looked as a funny and a playful guy, he's actually really flirtious and yes, 'Playful'. He likes to get on people's nerves and really love to flirt with the ladies. Actually, he's more than just flirty, he literally enslaved girls. He's more bold and blunt, not to mention stubborn when he wants to get what he wants. He doesn't like when something doesn't go as he planned, or if it's with a girl he'll be more to amused than upset. He's a control freak and always feels like that he's the superior one, everybody is wrong and he's the only one who's right. He obtained power by force, he's strict and an absolute ruler for both men and women. He wants to conquer that stage all by himself, beating all the boygroups and girlgroups away as he leads B1A4 to fame. It is only a small start for this group, but Sunwoo believes that they will be on top. As for the ladies, there will only be 3 types that he knows. The (the ones that throw themelves at him), the innocents (the ones he had with and wishes him to love her) and the angels (the one that had never have any ual encounter with him but still close to him). He literally think that the first 2 are useless and use them just for his fun. Maybe he will be in a relationship with them but never really comitted to them, only a week or so. The last one that he really comitted with is with an angel. And he's willing to do it again for another angel
HOW YOU MET It was when B1A4 had a comeback, they were having a break before going to the stage. As he was resting, he overcomes a hushed conversation that there are some idols that are accompanying Topp Dogg for their debut stage. He was unimpressed at the conversation at first but then his ear perked up when he heard the word ‘EvoL’. He always has a certain interest in EvoL, who wouldn’t anyway. He was wondering if the one who came is Yull, the beauty of EvoL. But he’s going to change that tonight. Picking up on his heels, he sneakily trying to get a glimpse on the one who came. He was a tad disappointed when he saw that it is not Yull, but it was the well-known monster trainee, Constance. Although not the biggest fan of Constance, he must admit that Constance is indeed attractive. He didn’t realize that he was staring at her until she locked her eyes on him with disinterest. Constance can only smirk, maybe she could be the bridge to connect with Yull, he just have to play with Constance a bit. Thinking that Constance is an easy target, he approached her. It was a bad idea of course, people around him thinking that he has a death wish to actually approach her since they know how is Constance like. He had talked a lot ever since he introduced himself, but all she gives is a small nod and averting eyes. Sunwoo is a bit pissed at this, most of the girls that he had approached wouldn’t easily ignore him. He is way too prideful to admit his defeat on her, he demanded for her to talk. This caused a low growl from the woman and the crowd around her froze in fear. Sunwoo was silent for a few seconds before giving a low chuckle, he had managed to gain her attention. He rubbed the back of his nape “So can I have your number-“ “You can have my number when I slash your throat” she snapped at him, clearly annoyed and walked away from the scene. Sunwoo was again silent, it was not as planned but he doesn’t know why he feels satisfied. One of the people around him tells him his mistakes, first he stares at her and then he talks too much on the first meeting. He decided he changed his target, Constance is going to be in his possession
INTERACTION Their interactions…well… Ever since Sunwoo changed his target, he had been trying to keep up with her. Constance is not an easy target and Constance still doesn’t acknowledge his presence. Sometimes she was caught off guard when he suddenly pulled her into a dark corner or does something really offensive to her. That does nothing but to anger her but she’s not exactly lashing it out on him. She lets him talk to her and touch her, but she doesn’t have any real feelings to him. She knows his intentions and she’s not even going to try to give him the chance of weakness. It is weird that they end up as ‘normal’ friends, but there’s nothing normal when involving Constance anyway
RELATIONSHIP — Frienemies?


PARK Hye Kyeong / Soyul.
PERSONALITY Cute, loveable and adorable; that sums up pretty much who Soyeon is from the outside. The main vocalist of T-Ara is a epitome of being cute and being the dongsaeng to everyone despite her age. The kind that will cling to you and does an aegyo every single time, the complete opposite of Constance. Although she's the apple of your eyes, she has a rotten flesh inside of her. She uses her aegyo and cuteness to overpower everyone, especially boys. Yes, boys, she love boys. She is a greedy woman that wishes to rule over men and make all of them fall in love with her, using every desperate tacticals. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, most of the time she left a prey for another one
HOW YOU MET It was when Soyeon had a Day by Day comeback and Constance accompany EvoL on the backstage. Constance throw a fatal critic that the rapper of T-Ara (Ahreum) has a better vocal than the main vocalist (Soyeon). This causes an inner controversy between the both of them
INTERACTION — On the camera, they refuses to look nor talk to each other. They will answer others questions but doesn't even bother to give a second look to each other. Idols around them always feels the tension between those two but they can't do anything either, at least they don't start a cat fight. Off-cam is even worse, they will lash out at each other with tongue wars. Constance will growl at the appearence of her and Soyeon will glare. Constance will always make fun of her not being the one who's doing the high notes and Soyeon will always call her a . Yes they really hate each other but awfully the same, which is quite ironic
RELATIONSHIP — Easy, they're the complete opposite. The one who tries hard to gain attention with a aegyo, and the one who doesn't even need to try at all and even despises it. Both of them hates each others guts. Soyeon hates Constance for stealing all attention, Constance hates her because she's a plastic barbie all dolled up and cute. Soyeon dislikes girl group with all around concept, Constance doesn't like cute concepts. They're a rival that has gone wrong with both of them being bad-tempered, it could cause a huge war between her group and T-Ara
PERSONA The Malevolent Malefic
POSITION Main Vocalist
BACK-UP POSITION — Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
FANCLUB NAME — Maleficents
SINGING TWIN Lena Park + Yoonjo (Hello Venus) [Back-Up; Sunmi]
DANCING TWIN Fujii Shuuka + Fujii Karen * (The first girl that dances is Shuuka and the second one is Karen) [Backup; Erina Mizuno]
RAPPING TWIN Boram (T-Ara) + UEE (After School) [Same Back-up]
TALKING TWIN — Rainbow Hyunyoung
FAMOUS LAST WORDS I hope she's up to your expectations and you'll like her and consider her. Thank you for reviewing and please remind me if I have errors or mistakes, I'll try to fix it immediately. Please consider her and best of luck to EMPRESS! (I like Soyeon btw)

— Constance scowling at the members at their first meeting

— The members founds Constance annoying for not talking to them. And when they try to talk to her but in a serious way, she growled at them

— Constance blatantly ignoring everyone while playing her PSP

— Constance FINALLY warming up to the members

— Hansol suddenly appeared before her, gave her a bear hug and kisses her cheek. And it revealed her relationship with Hansol

— More to come, but it's just this for awhile

PASSWORD These days I'm getting lazier and lazier to apply >^< But your applyfic catches my attention, because woohoo brah dem layouts though. I know it's not yours but applyfic is what I do almost 24/7, you make my hardworking side awaken again ouo (We can apply twice aight? ouo)
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