More Spattered Shirts for Kcon 2014

Well It seems now every kpop concert I go to is an excuse to make a new shirt. Up until now the BAP 1004 shirt had been the hardest since it was the hardest since it was the biggest. (Big and hard reminds me of some other THINGS regarding BAP, but I digress. Those angel wings took 3 hours just to paint, not including the time to cut the stencil and all the other prep work, but they turned out pretty awesome.

I'm going to Kcon again this year and decided to make 3 shirts for the 2-day convention because I'm super cray like that.


The first one I made was a GD Coup D'etat with a big GD design in the back and taking the writing from the vinyl edition I put "The Revolution Is In Your Mind" on the front. I did red on black and my friend did black on red. ^^

Next was a Colored Rovix. I've wanted to do this design for a long time, but waited because of the amount of work I knew would be involved because I would have to do each color separately and then cover it for the next color. It was definitely a learning experience. I even had to add a white border because of the headphones, but in the end after days of painting before work, it turned out super amazing. And then I spattered the front pocket to look like vixx tv.

Lastly I wanted to do a BTS shirt. I really like them but wasn't sure what to do. I was thinking something to do with their logo of the bulletproof vest. Then MissMaize was like to bad you couldn't make the actual vest and that's when I got the idea to do a tank top and make it like the logo. There were a lot of thin lines that were hard to create by spattering but in the end it worked out pretty good.

Then even though Miss Maize was supposed to do it herself I ended up making her Vixx shirt too. You so owe me by the way!

Anyway I'm super looking forward to seeing these groups and going to L.A. again. ^^


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I say you should open up a shop, make a super limited run of splatter shirts (like maybe 5 total) for a couple different groups and sell them. People would snatch them up like hotcakes! Back on track, I'm still jealous over that VIXX shirt. I want one badly, but I have no creative bones in my body, so if I tried, it'd be a hot mess. I'm glad you two had fun down there, and hopefully next year I can join you in the craziness!
Wow wow wow. That is all I can say. I'm in complete awe of these designs! Also XD I love that you've done a VIXX and BTS shirt because those two groups are just askljfkljsdkgfj <333 definitely high up on my list. I hope you have an amazing time at K-Con too ^-^
These are awesome! Incredible job! When a friend and I went to the BIGBANG concert in Newark we made shirts, and I had people asking me all sorts of questions about the wasn't until the fourth person asked me how I signed up to be staff, that I realized they thought that we were on staff because of our professional looking shirts! I quickly explain I was just there for the concert like them and they looked really was great! (And explained why people were asking me questions, and expecting me to know all sorts of indepth info!)