They think I'm strong.....

They think I'm strong because I can push everything into the dark. But the truth is I live in the dark and they just don't know .


I'm still hoping, I'm still wishing, I'm still staying strong with tears in my eyes. I'm fighting with myself and it hurts.


I just want someone to tell me it's okay. but no one's going to be there. and I know I have to be strong because no one can fix me.


"Moving on" sounds easy. but I died a thousand times just to appreciate this phrase .


Why my dream is so hard to achieve ?

I'm so helpless here .

I want to give up but I can't.


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babymichiie #1
Take your time and then let it go. It might be hard now, whatever it is that is hurting you. But it gets better with time.. Everything does.
Just have faith in yourself that you are able to overcome it someday! :)
Hello there sweetheart,
I might not know you in real life, hell I don't even know you here. But I know how you feel, I understand. Life is tiring, isn't it? you're trying your hardest but it seems it will never be enough. it's to the point where even breathing hurts.
I want to tell you that you are not alone and everything is gonna be okay, maybe not soon or later but it eventually will. what you need to do is to find someone to talk to, someone you trust enough to share what you feel, someone who will catch you when you fall. that person can be your mom, dad, sister, brother, friend, cousin, anyone :)
I'm not going to tell you to just move on, because moving on means forgetting. And forgetting things won't make you feel better for it will comeback one day and might hurt you all over again. I'm kindly asking you to accept and forgive, forgive those who hurt you, and forgive yourself. You don't forget but it will give you peace and help you to be stronger than you already are.
You are holding on this far despite all the pain and I think you're very strong. Very strong and I'm so proud of you //hugs :') everytime you want to give up, do think of all the hardships you've been through, that you've made this far, and prove it to yourself that all your hardships are worth the fight, that you yourself is worth a happy life. Won't you be happy one day, let's say 20 years from now, you are living in your own happy little family and think that "hey, I made it~" ? :)
About your dream, my mom once said that not everything you want in life will be granted by God (I don't believe in God, but I think this advise is great^^) for He knows what's best for you, but don't ever give up, your dreams may come true in the end or it will be replaced by something greater. you will find a way eventually.

p.s: I'll try to keep holding on and fight with everything that's left in me, and I hope you do too~ ^^ I believe in you!! <3
kimsfangirl #3
Are you really that sad?
dunnut worry im here, i'll be here as in here in your heart, i'll try.
I may not been through what u did. But I had felt like that once twice thrice more than I thought I could handle. I could break down for hundreds of time and still get up to continue chasing my dream. The dream that seem so easy but so far away.

I dont know what you are talking about, but I hope that its going to be okay, cause it would be okay. Everything will be okay, cause when its not. Your journey is still ongoing, its not the end when its not okay. What worth wont be easy.

Please dont give up!
unnie , why are you so sad ???