Excuse Me (Japanese): Jongup and Zelo teasers




I cant with them

I freaked out so much this morning when I saw Jongup and Zelo's pictures lol

look at Jongup

omg lol ♥

he looks like one of those really handsome professors

his hair

his glasses

i really cant

and zelo



choi junhong


he looks so mature

zelo stop growing up lol


after watching the bangkok video today that was all about zelo I've been having extra feels about him ♥

his baby face

more like adult face lol

and why does he remind me of Eric Nam in this pic

i'm so confused lol thanks feels



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young_grasshopper #1
Ahhhh! Maknae line's photos turned out to be my favorite. I just can't. Like seriously, who told them to pose like that. And Jonguppie looks like he came straight from a manga/anime
Omona!!! Why are they so handsome??!!! And look matured. Zelo is trying to seduce more fangirls right now... *facepalm*
Eonnie~ Yonggukie picture and Himchanie picture are out~! \(^0^)/
Jongup <3 oh gawd such hotness
Oh! Omo! Zelo! For the first time he caught my eyes!!!!! And jonguppp... whoooo I love him too.. ahhh damns my feels