LOL this is going to be a darn random blogpost...I'm just curious.
Do any of you guys like Shimmycocopuffs from youtube?!?!?!

I've been a big fan of him since 2010, and I've been thinking about messaging him about having
another meet up. I didnt get to go to the last one, because my sister had to work and he didnt give
enough notice, but if I met him, i think it would be totally awesome!!! :D

What do you guys think?
Have you guys been a fan of him for long?
Has any of you met him in person?
If so, what is he like? :)

Would you ever like to meet him?
If you guys could meet any of your Kpop bias who would it be and what would you like to do to spend
the day with them???

Me is just curious! KEKEKEKEKE!

Anyway, that's all for now! I'm bored and I just wanted to talk to YA'LL!!! HEHE!

Until next time,


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He's so funny xD
Omg I love Shimmy!! I got to meet him once in Toronto, I even got an autograph and picture with him and everything XD He's really chill and funny, also he smelled like he poured a bottle of beer all over him so he was probably drunk, but still awesome :p
I love shimmy❤️❤️❤️
He is the awesome, and his dog is so cute.
Though I got to say he is really a bad influence. Buts still a really funny guy
I have no idea who that is. I mostly watch Asian YouTubers such as those from wongfu productions, dankoo productions and others.
But if I would meet my bias groups, I'd probably become extremely silent around them depending how they are towards myself.
I like him...but I'm so socially awkward I wouldn't be able to talk to him