Help with kittens????

Okay so its again middle of night...I was in living room on computer and when I was a bit tired I decided to go to kittens sleep on my bed and as I put the blanket down I saw that they peed again!!!!can someone tell me how to learn kittens to go on toilet? ??they are 6 weeks already! !!


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AYOitsfozii #1
Yeah you have to maie your cat become familiar with the scent of the litter and the litter tray. During the day place your cat on the litter tray and reward them with treats if they do use the tray
aisyah146 #2
If you really mean they must go to the toilet themselves, then make them stay in the toilet(eat,sleep and drink there)for like 2-3 weeks and only let them explore the houseduring sometimes,so they know that they have to go to the toilet to pee.It worked for my cats
i have no idea how to teach kittens to use the sandbox even though i have a cat. she somehow figured it on her own, hahah. good luck with the kittens :D
turtle101 #4
Just try putting them near their litter box if they have one, and try to put some baking powder in the litter box so it will attract the kittens to the litter box
That's what I do
garyobre009 #5
Study said that " Cats can understand their owner, they JUST don't care.".