HELP! Need some advice on graphics~

Alright guys/girls, i need some major advice/help.

(Especially if your a graphic artist and you use gimp but any help will do xD). So i am using the program Gimp, making posters. And when i try to upload it, it won't show up or anything. Like, i use the little icon with the landscape on it and make the dimensions and (try to) paste the poster but it won't show up. I tried both editors and i don't see it! I tried making the picture a different file format but it still does'nt work either. Gosh i tried so many ways, i wanna hear how you guys upload your poster up! Im a newbie here needing major help, so please comment below if you have any advice for me~! I highly appreciate it~!





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upload your picture in different sites first, in imgur or photobucket or tinypic if you don't want to make an account, then later paste the link in the little icon with the landscape.
Are you uploading the poster directly by copy and paste the poster itself without uploading it first into free upload pics websites? because, if we want to put the pics (images or posters) we have to use the link of the images not the images itself...^_^