Super Show 6 (this is important!)

Hey! XD 

I'm feeling super hyper/happy today and I'm not sure why lol XD 

(Oh and thank you to everyone who wrote a happy birthday message to me!)

So I have a couple questions. Do you guys know where to buy tickets for SS6? I really have no idea and I'm worried that I'm not gonna be able to find tickets haha (when do they start selling tickets btw?) 

And another question, who is going to SS6 London? I want somebody to meet up with since I'm going there on my own XD



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Hmmmm... maybe if they announce it that they will have SS6 in your country and hopefully ours too... They'll be announcing when the start of ticket sales is... :)

As for SS6 Tokyo and Osaka... It already started last July... How I wish PH is included next year! HAHAHA! But Hyukjae promised to comeback with Teukkie... So *fingers crossed*... :)
if they come to London, I definitely have to go, I never went to any concert of theirs, and I really want to!!! omg, but I don't think they announced the cites yet, but we could totally meet! that would be so cool, there is no one else that i know to go with me, so if I go, I'l probably go alone and I'm not from UK so it would be cool to meet with someone there :)
I want them to come back in France ! :P But London would be cool too ! XDDD Am happy too !!!
eunhaeron #4
i hope they'll come to Indonesia!!
Sujuluvelf #5
Omg my Aussie friends I feel you all TT^TT We were supposed to have a Super Show 4 in Austrlia D: I bought VIP backstage ticket and everything TTATT
I'd go with you in a heartbeat! But I live in Australia :( not sure when tickets go on sale, you can usually find out through the venue though, so if you know where the concert is happening they've probably got ticket information on hand. Good luck to you!! Damn, I hope they come to Australia this time!
Wow, *so envy* great. I'm from Myanmar n they never com' to our country.Of course, why should they com to me??? My country is so poor n most of ppl don't know.

But last2 days ago, 2NE1 came to my country. Last 2 or 3 months ago, girls day, MIB n ithr groups came. But I Just want SJ to com'. But at the same time I don't want to com' cuz most ppl from our coutry r Exotics, VIP, SONE n BLACK Jacks.

There's a little ELFs .

I want them to come to Australia.
Oooo~ If there is one in London, I might go xD We can go together if you want :3
You'll have to write a post for when and if the tickets are coming ot so I don't forget xD
Oh, and it's 99,000 won ( I think)
Tickets for SS6 in Seoul is on Gmarket and it's sold the 7th of August, but everything if in Korean (well it was last year), and they get sold out really quickly. But for London I have no idea ahaha
Dreamer_Jk #12
No one said anything about ss6 and London, they could pick a different city this time (as they did after ss4 in Paris).
wheres-my-cookie #13
Omg they are going to London again?? :O I went to SS5 London last year but I have to fly to get there and I doubt my mum will let me go T_T