
Okay so I got an idea for an original story and I wanted some opinions. Here's what I got:


"Sometimes I wake up and I'm me, and sometimes I wake up and I'm someone else. And the worst part is we don't know who came first. So tell me I don't know about loss, tell me I have no idea. Because every morning I wake up I lose myself...and that's the worst kind of loss."

My name is Charlie Karras and I didn't kill anyone. But who believes the crazy girl? Who would believe the girl who argues with herself because there's more than one of her? Certainly not a court. And so here I am in a mental institution where the food tastes like bleached cardboard and the entertainment is even more bland. If I wasn't crazy already, being here certainly would have made me so. I have one visitor, though. I don't know him and the only reason he visits me is because he pities me, but he's going to be my way out. I'm going to escape and I'm going to set things straight. I have to find out who framed me and why.

"Get out! And get gone

This town is only gonna get worse:"

Charlie was framed for a crime she didn't commit. Desperate to clear her name, she escapes from the mental institution she was sent to instead of prison with her one and only visitor. But who is he? Is there some other reason to his interest in her that isn't pity? And why does she feel that, with every step she takes, she's getting further and further from the truth that could save her?







Whoo! So what do you think? It's about a girl with sever multiple personality disorder who was framed for killing a man and her journey to try and find out the truth. It's a sort of mystery adventure and I'm trying something new. It started as a story inspired by "Bloody Shirt" by To Kill A King and kinda grew into something much more elaborate. Sound like a good idea? I haven't written an original piece in a long long time and I thought it'd be good to get back to it.


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berlybee #1
it's good!
keep going ;)
it's good!
really! :D
Woah this is really good dude. You should totally write this cuz I'm gonna be your first subscriber~ ;)