DA² - Yoon Jing Ga

LizFelizy / Liz / 6


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Yoon Jing Ga

Full name: Yoon Jing Ga
Nickname(s): Jing-jing (her pet name)
Age: 17
Birthdate: February 17, 1997
Birthplace: Suwon, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Korean (mother tongue), Japanesse (intermediate)
Height: 168
Weight: 48
Bloodtype: O
StageName: Jing Ga
Persona: Covergirl
Personal Fan Club: Jingle Bells
Plotline Number: 4. High School Beauty

Faceclaim: Yurim
Back-up: Park Hye Min / Pony
Style: Although everyone praised her figure, she dislikes of showing too much skin and likes to wear loose outfit. She looks up to Kristen Stewart as her fashion muse.
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Appearance: She has an Eiffel Tower tattooed on her back and a small mole on her neck.


Audition Tape:
Singing Twin: Hyeri
Dancing Twin: Yoona
Acting Twin: Sunhwa



This IS me
Personality Traits:
positive: independent, calm, mature, selfless, punctual, reliable
negative: shy, timid, perfectionist, moody, stubborn, impatient

Don't be deceived by Jing Ga's angelic looks, She is a a lot tougher. She is independent and seems unapproachable. But it's only because she has trust issues. Some may say she is an arrogant because never greets anyone rather than her circle of friends. The truth is, it takes a lot of time and efforts for her to be comfortable, besides she feels a lot calmer when she's with someone she knew. But when you've gained her trust, she'd risk everything for you. That's why on variety shows and interviews, she appears awkward and timid.
Jing Ga suffers from OCD. She loves cleaning to the painstaking point. A stain on somebody's shirt and she will deeply annoyed with it. She always says, time is money. and will lost her respect when somebody's late to an appointment. She treasures privacy very much. She doesn't have social media accounts and doesn't tolerate stalker, fans or not.  She has her own way of taking care her fans. She'd give her fans free meals after performance and greet them personally.
Although many people labelled her as a shallow girl, she's a rational person. She admits she doesn't have a super brain like Lihwa, her best friend, but she's not stupid herself. She likes to reflect before making any decisions and sees a problem as a challenge rather than obstacle. Guys think she's like a cat, playing hard to get. She likes to back off when she doesn't feel the same thing about them. She either loves someone passionately or not. There's no in-between.
Her father. Yoon Sook Gi had his own publishing house before it was closed due to bankruptcy. He then received a job offer from his friend in New York and left them. Since then there wasn't a single news about him. Her mother, Yoon Ji Na was a tough woman. She did everything she could to make a living for both of them. Jing Ga who couldn't stand seeing her mother working so hard, decided to do part time jobs after school.
One day when she was working as a cashier, a J.Tune representative scouted her. She majored in acting. Her trainee life was far from pleasant. She had long practice hours but refused to quit her part time jobs. She woke before dawn to deliver newspaper and took night shift in a minimarket. She loves her mother very much.
▲chicken and beer
▲watching others sleep first
▲browse random hotels in random countries on Agoda
▲big size sweater
▲spring scent (her perfume is Flora by Gucci)
▲read magazines
▲koalas and pandas
▲the color black and white
▲Nike kicks
▲giant stuffed animals
▲barbie and ken (she is a collector)
▲mineral water with lemon extract
▲using herbs medicine
▲doing yoga and pilates to maintain her figure
▲loud people
▲crowded place
▲mathematics and anything relates to counting
▲using high heels because it can cause varices
▲spicy food
▲fruity scent
▲hospital scent
▲using band-aid when she's injured
▲heavy reads
▲traveling with motorcycle
▲internet and social media
▲bold colors
▲people smoking near her
▲showing much her skin
▲ ghosts
▲she often to collapse from fatigue
▲she can't sleep without her stuffed animals
▲she collects barbie
▲will fake a laugh in awkward moments
▲likes to bit her nails
▲she gets intimidated by artists from SM because of their popularity and be in good terms with them because she's afraid of having bad publication
▲once, she googled her name and cried upon reading her haters harsh comments
▲her type is someone who's witty and has a pearly white smile. She chose Kim Hyun Joong as her ideal guy
▲she is Sam Smith's biggest fan
▲she once tricked her friends by acting depressed and almost mad. Her friends freaked out and brought her to a psychiatrist
▲she felt very happy and cried when Hyun Bin mentioned her name on a broadcast
▲she bought her mother a house in Jeju so she could live peacefully with nature
▲she picked her tongue as her best feature
▲Father / Yoon Sook Gi / magazine editor / Jing Ga hates him for abandoned them. She prenteded that her father is dead.
▲Mother / Yoon Ji Na / housekeeper / Jing Ga is really close to her mother. She looks up to her and listens to her. She makes sure that she always spare her time for her.
▲Close friend / Park Chorong / member of Apink / she treats Jing Ga like a sister
▲Close Friend / Ahn Jae Hyo / member of Block B / Jing Ga was rumoured to be in a relationship with him, when in fact they are just close friends. She often travel with him.
▲Friend / Jun Hyosung / member of Secret / she's a friendly senior and Jing Ga always go to her when she needs professional advices.
I like you


Love Interest: Lee Hyun Woo
Back up love Interest:UKISS' Kiseop


Comments: I hope you like my character :)
Song Suggestions:
▲Hasta Luego by Tahiti
▲Love is Only You by AOA,
▲Secret Garden by APINK
Scene requests: 
▲when an idol said that Jing Ga is his ideal type, and Hyun Woo who was the MC, felt jealous and challenged him to battle dance
▲when Jing Ga introduced Hyun Woo to her mother

Everyone knew Lee Hyun Woo as the dorky boy next door. He has everything, from good looks, popularity, and sense of humor, but nobody's perfect. He seems happy outside, but deep inside he's lonely. He lacks love. Sure, there are many girls after him but their intentions aren't pure. When he got fond of someone, he tend to be friendzoned. You can tell if he's in love by the look in his eyes. He will be eager to win her heart. It may even lead to aggressiveness. In a relationship, he will be very caring and sometimes a worrywart. He would do anything to keep his lover happy.

How will you meet/How did you meet?:
Jing Ga was peeking inside the audition room, where a girl acted sad to impress the judges. She fidgeted. It was her first time auditioning. What if the judges don't like her? Would J.Tune fire her if she doesn't get the role? She tried to hold back her tears.
"Hey, are you okay?" a voice asked behind her. She turned around and found a guy looking at her in worry.
She bit her lips.
"Is this your first time auditioning?" he asked.
felt dry to reply, so she nodded.
He gently patted her head. "It'll be fine. I was just like on my first time auditioning." he then extended his hand. "I'm Lee Hyun Woo, and you?"
She stared at his hand for a long time, as if thinking if he was a threat or not. "Yoon Jing Ga." she shook his hand.
"That's not a mainstream name. I like it." he grinned ear to ear. "How about a coffee after this? To celebrate your first time auditioning."
Jing Ga thought it was a bad idea. But seeing the guy in front him, he seemed harmless.
"Well?" Hyun Woo raised his eyebrows.
"Okay." she replied.
Hyun Woo stirred the conversation later that evening. Jing Ga usually would feel uncomfortable around strangers, but with him she felt a little at ease. She opned herself.  It took 3 years before she could trust her 4 best friends completely, but with him it only took 3 days of hang out. They started as friends, but they grew fond of each other. Everyone knew except them. Hyun Woo afraid if he was being friendzoned again, while Jing Ga was afraid she will ruin their friendship.





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