My Update Schedule

so, this is for my readers that wonder when i'm going to update one of my stories

Dark Lake Academy: updated every Saterday

Dark Lake Academy EXTRAS: updated every Saterday and Sunday

VIXX 300 Theme Challenge: updated Monday to Friday

Trusting Demons: updated every Monday

this is true unless otherwise stated in an authors note at the end of a chapter. generally, i know if something is going to come up that will make me change the days i update. only times i don't know is if i suddenly feel really sick (you can't really see that coming, can you?)

this list will be updated every time i start/finish a story. mostly 'cuz that's easier then making a new 'updates' blog post every time i start a new story or finish a current one.

Update (Auguest 6, 2014) - taking a week off starting Monday and ended the following Monday. sorry


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