Let Hope Rise

It's not about people chasing after the limelight.
They are chasing after the Shepherd.


When they showed the trailer during the conference, it was awesome to hear people singing the intro from With Everything afterwards. Brian Houston shushed us down because the worship's about to start, and the team played the first part of Calvary. Soon, it shifted to With Everything, and it's amazing. To hear people in that arena giving their voices out to God. Fully abandoned. United. Loved.

I'm not really sure, just what kind of God you've met, but let me assure you he isn't mad at you. He isn't someone who waits for you to mess up so he could stomp on you. He doesn't let you be defined by your past, or by your mistakes. You do not have to fix whatever it is in your life that needs fixing before you can approach him. He does that for you. And it does hurt. The process can be painful, but he doesn't abandon you.

I hope you can see this movie once it's released.


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Bassplayer #2
this totally made my morning hopfully it'll get released at the theaters near me! but yeah it was such an amazing sng for the trailer