My one man

Hi! Can someone just help me with these problems? So, I have some guy friends who I really adore and then I got problems with them. :( It's not my fault, okay! Well, I dunno but... gah! Whatevaa

Okay, first is let's just call him N.
I have befriend with him for 8 years and we got super close when we're 10 or 11 years old. We share all of our secrets, we play games, we talk, we laugh... everything. People always mistaken us as a couple. He always jokes with me by calling me, 'darling' or even 'love'. Well, I am that type of girl either. Typical and blunt miey. I really like N when I was 11 years old, and I still like him when I was twelve - unfortunately, I got myself a boyfriend then which was a junior of mine. I still like him even though I have my own boyfriend. My crush for N then vanished when I found out that he probably likes my bestie. N and I went to different secondary school and I broke up with my boyfriend. I moved on and found another boy to crush on. I still in contact with N and we never change. A few days ago, I found out that he likes me since we're 11. Gosh, what should I do with him?


Next, my present crush, let's call him A.
I love his style, his smile, his hair - absolutely his hair, though he's a badboy and a playboy too. He's so handsome! He got himself a girlfriend but I can't help from love him. It's a one-sided love. He's so naughty that he always plays with my feeling - flirting I mean. I can't focus in class whenever he passes by. Gah! He keeps giving me hope! Just then, I remember about N but A got the chance to fill in my brain again. *Sigh*

The last one is Q.
We got close because of some work. We always text and call each other, sharing secrets. He will call me to tell me bedtime story whenever I can't sleep and he always advises me to be a good girl. He's super nice and naughty sometimes. A teaser~~ He helps me to forget about A most of the time. I finally think that I can move on from my one-sided crush.

I like N but it's no more than just a friend, I really like A~~ but I don't think about him much lately since Q always takes his spot in my head yet A always plays with my heart, teasing. I still feel bad about N but Q is nice either. What should I do? 


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estell #1
My vote is for Q dont think about A too much if he is a play3r andvif u can move on with Q choose him
But at last this is u and u must think about all decision dont rush and dont hurt someone feelings and most important part dont hurt feelings of yourself.
But poor N
Ask yourself the most important question: Who are you the most happy with?
Go for Q he seems the type that is good but naughty when you need him to be ;P also he's not in a relationship and seems to like you back so why not?
Well, it depends on you and how you feel.

You have to weigh your options so they aren't too heavy.
Think of these:

Who do you have the most fun with?
Which is the best to you?
Which is a good influence to you? (Since you said A is a playboy/badboy, that kind of leaves A out)
Who do your friends think treats you good?
Who has a better personality?
Which one is funner?
Which one seems to never get old and you cant get enough of?

If any of these are answered where one of them has the upperhand/more picks, then your heart most likely chooses them.
Oh, that is a problem.
I have a similar problem too so I can relate. :)
Alright, I advise you to confront N. I mean, what exactly did he do to make you think he liked your best friend? If you really think that there's no hope for you two to become an item, tell him. Don't give him hope or keep him waiting. But, if you feel like you can, give him a chance.
For the A guy, you shouldn't put your hopes to high. He might just be playing with you and then you might end up being hurt, and we wouldn't want that. He sounds like the typical popular kid in school. Just lay low.
Lastly, Q. I understand how you're feeling about him since he's like the one helping you move on and stuff. Think first.
You can PM me if you want :)