stomach getting bigger after abs workouts WTF !

So I want a flat stomach with toned abs. I am doing blogilates abs on fire for two weeks every second day and sometimes two times in a row (the video). I also do the 30days squats challenge and some leg exercise.  After a few days of abs on fire I felt that my stomach has gotten bigger but I thought maybe it is just swollen or smth like that but now it still haven't gotten smaller. Imagine this you work your OFF and now your stomach IS BIGGER than BEFORE THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING  


So I googled it and it means that I am building muscles under the FAT, that's why my stomach has gotten bigger and I HAVE to get rid of the fat first... so my question is

Should I continue with the abs workout or not ?! I dont want my belly to get bigger...


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You can continue it, but you will need to add some cardio workouts in it since that will help you burn off the fat. Eating healthy and eating the right type of foods will also help burn calories and quicken your metabolism which will help burn that fat as well.