Twenty One Truths and a Lie

It's been approximately half a year since I joined this site and yet this is my first blog post. So, I decided to properly introduce myself with something I made up on the spot: Twenty One Truths and a Lie. I think the name speaks for itself.

If you're interested, why not try and guess my lie?

Twenty One Truths and a Lie

1. I enjoy public speaking. 

2. Autumn is my favorite season. Then summer, winter and spring.

3. My parents are overprotective.

4. I'm actually a girl.

5. My sense of humor ranges from proper to Hoya. (I'm sorry if this makes no sense to you.)

6. yozora-hoshi has gotten me into stars and the universe. 

7. summerchild has gotten me into myungzy and finding miracles in the smallest things.

8. I really wish to go bungee jumping but I'm also terrified of heights. 

9. I really want to watch horror movies but I don't want to watch them alone and no one wants to watch them with me.

10. Tablo owns all of my respect.

11. I  say I hate kids and that they're a hassle, but truthfully, I have a soft spot for them. 

12. I want to become a pediatrician. 

13. Avatar: The Last Airbender has taught me so many life lessons. (That aside, I still bust out laughing when I think of the cabbage man. Poor guy.)

14. The less people are around, the more obnoxious my laughter becomes.

15. I'm a lot better at writing stories down than telling them aloud. I absolutely am terrible at verbal story-telling.

16. I believe beauty is what you define it as. (I mean, back in the day, the Chinese thought foot-binding was beautiful. I'm shuddering.)

17. I have been in a relationship once and I realized that, at fourteen, relationships are completely, utterly, and totally not worth my time.

18. If it weren't for my parent's pointless bedtime rule, I would be out all night watching the stars.

19. I used to put on an unhappy face a lot but then, there was a time I was walking to my second period class at school and one of the staff stopped me and said, "Stop being so serious. Life is easy." I think I smile more now, and I think he's one of the reasons.

20. I won a writing contest just yesterday for the first time in my entire stay here on AFF.

21. I like cats more than I like dogs.

22. I am undefined and will forever be.

Whew, that took a while to think all that up.

I don't think anyone will do this but if you'd like, you can totally steal from me and try Twenty One Truths and a Lie. If you are, have fun and link me to your blog. I would love to read it.

That wraps up my official, unofficial introduction. 

(Now how about that guess now, hm? It doesn't hurt to try.)


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Urgh. I usually at this type of stuff. Er.. I think #12, you wanting to be a pediatrician, and #1, you enjoy public speaking, may possibly be lies. But I'll also bull this and say #17, #20, and #21 have lie potential. I'm about 60% sure of my first two answers and 15% sure of those last three.
elle_kpop14 #2
OKAI I WOULD LIKE TO SAY NUMBER 4, 18, 19 (BECAUSE I WAS NOT THERE WITH YOU WTF), 21, and 22. you are defined as my cinnaminbun :3 nom nom nom