koreans have a good style (well most) !

so yesterday i saw a korean tourist (a girl to be exact) on the train, she was passing by several times and that gurl has a good sense for fashion!

she was also very pretty like i had to look at her lmao. she had a very cute crossbody and i instantly fell in love with it. unfortunately it's from MCM - which means espensive T_T anyways i found the bag on the internet but i haven't found its price ( maybe I'll get it lmao)

the bag is: Mina Crossbody wallet large pink

here is how the bag looks like: http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn2.fashionette.de/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/600x600/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/m/c/mcm-24863_1_.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fashionette.de/mcm-mina-crossbody-wallet-large-pink-1?utm_source%3DPSM%26utm_medium%3DEdelight%26ia-pkpmtrack%3D100-9353835313236323131303-186-101-101&h=600&w=600&tbnid=LLrnDYAgkuDYdM:&zoom=1&tbnh=90&tbnw=90&usg=__7-Jud0Wj3V5wagqlbDSedNX2llk=&docid=3kubQWahDfAvWM&itg=1&sa=X&ei=QK_WU47rJsek4gSi7oGYAw&ved=0CEsQ9QEwBA&dur=2715


sorry for the long link lmao maybe some of you guys know where i can get this bag ? i couldn't find it on ebay...i would be very glad if one of you guys know it =D

update: ok guys i found it and it's expensive es like 440-525$ kay byyye and the tiest thing is, it's only available in korea ?! damn i live in germany, munich where this expensive lil piece comes from !


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*Patz patz* Gwenchanayo, theres a lot of things that can't be affordable for me either and its hard to get it because I don't have a job yet. I know how you feel and that crossbody is like freaking adorable