5 things that stops me from reading a story

I am definitely one picky . I only read things I found interesting, I only leave comments on the stories I found worth it. I stop midway if the story goes downhill.

Now, what stops me from reading a fic?

1. Script dialog


Mom: Food's ready! *shout*
Me: Alright mom!

No offense but I am not one who can tolerate this. Okay, except for some really valid reasons. I find it's tiring to read a story with script dialog all over. It's harder for me to get the feel too, and even harder to imagine the scene. Either way, when I found script dialog, I'll just click the x button.

2. One who can't differentiate your, you're, yours, he's, his, etc

Sadly, I found like heaps of it around AFF. I can tolerate this for a few times, but when it's too much, either I will tell the author about it or just simply leave. Man, I've told you I'm a , right?

3. When the girl leaves because she's pregnant and she doesn't want to burden the boy kind of scenario (and back years after with child and you know the rest).

This is one of my bigges pet-peeves. I seriously hate this kind of scenario. Maybe because I'm one who believes a child needs both parents to be responsible, maybe because I think it's simply stupid for a girl to leave because she doesn't want to burden whatsoever. To put it simply, I just hate it.

I mean, look... there are thousands of better scenario to this pregnant condition where nobody needs to leave each other.

4. No details

I love things to be extravagant! I love everything detailed, I love it when I can have an imagery in my head when reading a story. I love it when I can feel like watching a movie when I read a scene. So yes, when things are lacked of details, I just hate it... Okay, maybe not hate, I will still read it until I can't take it anymore :)))

5. no name character

Ever saw something like this? "Hello, my name is Lee/Choi/Whatever surname ____________ I'm a new transferred student..." yes, how can I imagine myself named _______ ??? either the author is too lazy to make up a name, can't put her bias name there, or usually they're trying to be kind and let the readers put their own name there, not working for me. It makes me feel like my name is being censored. Well I'm not into "you" character anyway. So maybe it's just me.

So yeah, there they are, my pet peeves on reading a fic. Maybe there are more but yeah, maybe later. :)) Anyway, I hope I don't offend anyone with this post (I wonder if there will ever be anyone reading this... hmm...).


What about you? What stops you from reading a fic you read?


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For me.. I like dialogue more. Bcause its make me easy to read. Feel? I just think okay