Ideal type

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
I may be shallow, but I wouldn't want to fin him hideous.  Luckily, I'm not too picky about appearence, so I don't really find anyone hideous.  (But being gorgeous would be a bonus)

2. Smart?
Not genious, but knows his basic and common knowledge, like vocabulary and knowing how to use a calculator.

3. Preferred age?
Older than me.  Highest age different 10 years older than me.

4. Preferred height?
Taller than me (Obviously) And for my taste, I'd prefer him to be like Chanyeol and Kris tall.

5. How about sense of humor?
Of course!!!  He has to have a similar sense of humour as me.

6. How about piercings?
I think studs in their ears are cool, but stuff like tongue or lip piercings I don't really like.

7. Accepts you for who you are?
This one is sort of obvious...

8. Pink hair?
HOLY CRAP!!!  i HAVE A THING FOR MULTI-COLORED HAIR!!!  ESPECIALLY PINK!!!! (as long as they look good with it)

   And this dude's rainbow hair!!!ASDFGHJKL I LOVE IT!!!!!!

But it doesn't matter if they don't have colorful hair.

9. Mushy or no?
It would be adorable if they were romantic, but not too extreme to the point that they're throwing rocks at my window when I'm trying to sleep.  But if they're cheesy, I think I'd find it cute.  But not too clingy.

10. Thin or fat?
Not too fat.  Healthy weight.  Or thin.  But not too thin.  See where this is going?

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?

I don't have a racial preference if that is what you're asking.  I find pale skin prettier, but I'm not shallow enough to reject someone just because they're tan.

12. Long hair or short hair?

As long as it looks good it doesn't matter what hair style they have.

14. Smells good?
Well I don't want them too stink, but I don't want them to overdose on axe to the point where I'm wheezing for air.

15. Smoker?


16. Drinker?

Just as long as he doesn't have an addiction.

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

That would be so cute (^-^)  I would love that.

18. Muscular?

Definately not bulky (by my standards I find people like Siwon just a bit bulky)  They don't have to be toned, but I'd prefer it. 

19. Plays piano?
*Like Lay?*  He doesn't have to play an instrument, but if he did that'd be ideal (>u<)  A guy who could play an instrument is really attractive and cute.

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
*Like Chanyeol?*  refer to question 19

21. Plays violin?

That sounds romantic.  See question 20 for more detail.

22. Sings very good?
I would fall head over heals if he could sing, but it's not absolutely mandatory

23. Vain?
I'd find it funny if he'd make arrogant jokes, so long as he isn't concieted.

24. With glasses?

I think glasses are cute, but it doesn't really matter.\

25. With braces?
Does't matter.  Even if his teeth are crooked (so are mine :P)

26. Shy type?

I'm shy too.  But I wouldn't want him too be shy around me or his friends.  Once he gets used to me, I'd like him to be really out-going.

27. Rebel or Good boy?
He should know when it is necassary to behave, but overall fun and not the kind to follow every single rule.

28. Active or passive?
A mixture of both

30. Singer or dancer?
I think him being a singer would be best but even having neither would be okay (seeing as I can't dance or sing either)

32. Hiphop?

You mean for him to have the same taste in music as me?  Yes, I'd love that.

33. Earrings?
Studs in their ears, as I said before, are cute.

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?


35. Dimples?
Doesn't matter to me

36. Bookworm?

I love to read, so it'd be cool if he read, as well.

38. Playful?
Absolutely!!!!  But knows when to behave.

39. Flirt?
To me and only to me.

40. Poem writer?
That be so cute, but I don't really care if he has an interest in poetry.


Serious about serious things.

43. Painter?
I'd find it cool if he could draw, but like I said to most things, it doesn't matter.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Very playful and joking, but not to an extent where it offends people.

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

Doesn't matter as long as he'd not too addicted.  He needs to be willing to spend time with me.

47. Speaks 20 languages?
That'd be awesome!  And he could help me study Spanish and Korean, and be my own personal translator when we travel the world!

48. Loyal or faithful?

Aren't they the same thing?

49. Good kisser?
We can practice if he isn't ;)

50. Loves children?

Well I want kids eventually, so..yes...



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