I'm back (ehhhh kinda)

Hello lovelies~ I hope you guys didn't miss me for like the 8 days I was gone. I know Emily, why are you back sooooo soon? Why aren't you working on school work??? Well it's amazing how much flippin work I can get done in 8 days without having to worry about updating and kpop for a while. In that time span, I managed to read like three books, finish two essays (one just a book report and one being an Extended Essay which is 4,000 words long), and finish a math packet. 

Now I'm not done with my summer work. I still have to finish one book that is going to take me forever cause it is boring as hell, and a couple of german packets (but my german isn't up to parr so it's going to take forever to read and answer those questions.)

School starts back for me on the 6th of August, but I missed you guys too much :c I especially missed my close friend FicChick. But I do thank everyone who kept me company while on KakaoTalk, even if it wasn't for long. I am starting to write for Designer Wars again so do not fret! More of that story will come. I also am going to update Freedom soon and write a Zelo oneshot cause that cutie needs love. I've written for everybody in BAP except him.

I hope you guys have had a wonderful summer! I wish all of you love and remember to stay hydrated in hot weather!! <3

I'm not sure if I'll update for the rest of this month,but I will be on the site (not as much probably cause I have volunteer stuff to do for school and actual school shopping and bleeghhhh) 

You can count on me being back FOR SURE in August. <3 

I love you all~

Emily (Yugifall)


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I missed you bunches, girl! But I've been busy with production work left and right, so I didn't have the time to wallow in sorrow. Thank God. That would've been embarrassing. :P Whew! Those 8 days went by so fast! So proud of you for doing so much in so little time. I know you still won't be around as much, but WELCOME BACK! Sorta. lol!