Felt like death warmed up all day-

Got woken up by my mum at like half 8 this morning, phoning to see if she could call in for a cup of tea because she was in the area.

Normally I wouldn't mind, but I didn't sleep until like 3am or something, & I was drunk.

So I woke up hungover.

And just to put the icing on the cake, I got my freaking period.

So I've spent all day like;

Not cool, at all.


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awww same here about period. I am sorry you didn't have such a good day.
i feel you >.<
Periods, a wonderful gift Mother Nature decided to curse us with. I feel you.
You're so cute. I'm sorry. I guess w're connected or something,because I'm on my period to (God hates women I think. Stupid menstrual cramps I'm sure are to practice giving birth or something.) I'm sorry though, sweety.