Problems with EXO

Now I'm only doing this blog post because something had aggravated me (and I'm not naming names because you don't need to know) but I want to know what you guys think in this situation.


It coincides with Tao's injury at the concert today.

And basically all the hate he has been getting (Y'know, the stupid fan war between Tao's fans and Kris's fans).


It's about Suho. And what he should be doing about this.


Now it was said that he should at least make a statement and stand up for Tao, and that he should be doing something about what the fan's have been doing. That he hasn't done what a leader should do in this case. And the other members. This person was angry at the fact the other members have said nothing publicly or done absolutely anything to help.



My problem with this is:

They are professionals. Now, many of you and EXO's fans may forget this fact but they were indeed trained to handle situations like this and they are paid for the work they do. They don't just do it for fun. It's their job. Their work. 

That also means that they cannot just speak out their true thoughts to bad fans because that could have serious implications on their career.

That's common sense.

Also, Suho is in no way connected to this and even though I am positively sure that he is helping Zitao through it back when they are in private but he has nothing to do with it in public. Tao is a big boy and he can handle this - just look at his updates - and he's doing what every idol should do - just IGNORE IT.

Now this is my opinion and you are entitled to your own but Suho should not be implicated for not 'standing up for him' or 'making a statement about it' because it's not him.

It's Tao.

If Tao wants to say something about it, fine, although it'd be unprofessional, go ahead. Just because Suho is the leader does not mean he has to take all the heat.

That'd be just unfair.

I'm sure he's taking care of all of s when this happens but not in public.


I think people underestimate everyone in this band.


They forget that they are grown men and adults and can deal with their own problems. And insults from little girls.




They are men, responsible professionals. It's their job. They will deal with everything the way they were trained for. 


So tell me guys, what do you think?
Agree or disagree? If you disagree, please give me a plausible reason why. If you agree, thank you.



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iamtango #1
i think suho will care ..
all members would care...
but there are limitations to what they can do..
and as men you support each other and not baby each other like they dont know what to do..
when one is hurt or do bad the leader and the rest of the band should get all the bull..
fans (if thats what they call themselves) can be a little you do have a brain to think so be real once in a while and yes i can say that because i literally live in a world of day dreams and fantasies and i know what is right and not nice .. ugh.. sorry for ranting but yeah i agree with you :)
100000000000000000% AGREE.
I am totally agreed with you. Yes, definitely Suho is the leader but that doesn't mean that he should be blame for everything that is happening. He doesn't deserve to be called irresponsible just because of that and I'm sure that he is taking care of his fellow EXO members in private.
Kryptonite_6190 #4
AGREED! Totally.
Finally someone said it!! thank you!
isaidBOOM #6
I agree with you. Though I'm a Tao stan, it hurts me deeply that to hear those words from him and how he handle these issues with his fans and Yifan stans. This is creating more drama and chaos, that may result in deeper division of the fandom.
ExoticShiningShawol #8
Wait what happened? I never heard about this 0.0
absolutely agree. they are paid for their job. they can't talk what they thin freely cz it will damage their own image. the best way just to ignore it. if you are mature fans you'll think like that. but yeah... there's a lot of stupid fan in this fandom. what a shame. we just have to ignore them.
AGREE!! Ya speak the truth of all scandals and issues! Leave the leader alone! They all big boys lol
What even happened this time like
There's so much bull in the exo fandom I can't even keep up =='
Even without me knowing the situation, you're probably right about the suho thing. Suho is a professional (even though in my eyes he slipped up by calling kris out) I think thy do their best they're not super heros. It's like with dbsk and their fans. Fans need to seriously learn their place isn't to attack it's to support
i'm so sick of these fandom problems >.<
i've been outdated for about three days so do you mind if i ask what happened with tao and exo these past few days?:o
I'm actually a bit lost. What happened between Tao's and Kris' fans, if you don't mind explaining?

and really, this fandom's been through a lot of and the people in it don't really help the situation by throwing mindless and insulting comments towards each other (((sorry crappy grammar but yeah i'm d0ne)))
MottiNuri_LaGorda #15
I totally agree with everything you said! I think they really risked their lives and mental wellbeings when they first decided to sign the contract with SM. Their profession requires both physical and mental strength. It's sad and pathetic to see the fan wars going on. I mean, if you really love EXO you'd know better than spreading lies and start a fight inside of your own fandom

Some fans really need to grow up and get a grip on reality >.<

Fighting among each other will get them to nowhere and it'll hurt both TaoRis and other members as well