My phobias (Stolen lol) What about yours?

Stolen from DragonTopsThePanda   




If you get more than 30, I recommend some counseling.


If you get more than 20, you're paranoid.


If you get 11-20, you are normal.


If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.


I fear........




[ ] Black people (Why on earth would anyone fear them?? Black girls are pretty,in my defense)


[x] The dark (But I'm perfectly fine sleeping with lights off)


[x] Staying single forever


[x] Being a parent


[x] Being in front of others


[ ] Open spaces


[X] Closed spaces


[X] Heights


[x] Dogs


[ ] Birds


[ ] Fish


[x] Cats


[x] Spiders


[ ] Flower or other plants


[x] Fire


[x] Deep water


[x] Snakes


[ ] Silk


[x] Ocean


[x] Failure


[x] Thunder/lightning


[ ] Frogs/toads


[x] My boyfriend's/girlfriend's dad (LOL,I'm single but still..)


[x] My boyfriend's/girlfriend's mom


[x] Rats


[x] Jumping from high places (Everybody does,RIGHT???)


[ ] Rain


[x] Wind (SeHunnie,is that you?)


[x] Crossing hang bridges


[x] Death


[x] Being robbed/mugged (Pretty sure I'm not the only one)


[x] Falling


[ ] Clowns


[ ] Dolls


[x] Large crowds of people (I hate people in general so..)


[ ] Men


[x] Women (I'm pretty shy among girls..I've never had a sister)


[ ] Having great responsibilities


[x] Doctors (I'm fine with dentists,though..?)


[ ] Dentist


[x] Tornadoes


[x] Hurricanes


[x] Incurable diseases


[x] Sharks


[ ] Friday The 13th


[x] Ghosts


[x] Poverty


[ ] Halloween


[x] School (I hate high school so..Hate it because of my fear,I guess?)


[ ] Trains


[ ] Odd numbers


[ ] Even numbers


[ ] Being alone


[x] Becoming blind


[x] Becoming deaf


[x] Growing up, become old ("Wish that I could stay forever this young"-Avicii)


[x] Creepy noises in the night (No )


[ ] Not accomplished my dreams/goals


[x] Needles


[ ] Blood


OVERALL TOTAL: I lost count after 20 about being paranoid!


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19 so I'm pretty much normal
36... okay but i wont see a councilor because strangers give me anxiety
weird_fellaf #3
11... But if you talk about personality, sometimes I think that a little crazy person will lighten up my day rather than being all normal, but not that KIND of crazy people that's fitted in the mental hospital. No, of course not. I mean someone who's a bit out of the 'line'.