I am so proud of you, Wu Yi Fan!

I have been saying this for like a couple of days now. I really am so proud of you bb! I'm still sad that you have to leave Exo, but then again, that's just how life goes. Look at you now, you don't just get to rap a few lines, you get to sing the whole song, how cool is that?! I don't care if I saw this allkpop post just now. I am going to fangirl over this again and again. And of course, I'll share this with you guys and gals, in case you haven't seen this yet, because sharing is caring hahahaha.


It was really brave of you to take that risky step, you know, to file a lawsuit and eventually leave the group, knowing that a lot of (narrow-minded) people will hate you for doing so. I just want to say that I have admired you more for that -- not because you left, but because you have the courage to stand up for your rights and to continue pursuing your dreams. You've really earned my respect tall guy.


Here's to those who have been in pain waiting for him to come back. Here's to the fangirls who chose to love him no matter what. Let us swoon altogether and fall in love with his voice. Enjoy! :)))

Click to fall in love with Kris more teehee!


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If you really want to help support Kris, please spread this link to help support him domestically. He has already broken a record for getting over 1M views within 3 hours. Let's go forward for our YiFan. Let's show those haters who called him "untalented" that SM made a BIG mistake for letting him go. :)
