I Trusted You Wrong

There's this boy called Lim Li Tzer.
Born Gemini, excellent in volleyball, loves music and never gets mad.

My mom asked him if he was my best friend.

I called him my brother.

I told her, I wanted an older sibling, not a younger one, and since an older one is too late for me, I found myself one.

But he died.

He became a famous jock in school.

He became ignorant.


Last year we talked to each other because we were the only 6B-ians who entered the same 1B4. Then Joan, RX and Cash came in.

We still talked to each other.

Then I'll just fast forward to April the 3rd, when he told me the biggest lie.
Which I won't even bother to mention because I thought it was the worst memory I had in my life.
And which I never found out until May the 30th.

I even remembered the dates because he was one of my most trustworthy and reliable friends in CHS.

Then came 2014 Sports Day.
At first I thought that he went to the reading corner merely to discuss on house cheer crap so I didn't care.

Then he rejected all of our holiday trip plans because he was BUSY.
And I didn't mind.

I thought, "Oh, Li Tzer is busy with house cheer, it'll all end after June 21st."

Then it ended.


So Marcus slowly came and joined us for... Two days?

Then he was the one who left.

At first none of us uttered a word until like... Two weeks ago.

He stopped talking to us, completely.

June 17th. You didn't even wave to Joan who passed by. Even Ernest said hi to her.

Then the Polaroids.

One with Cash.
One with Yuan Zhang.
Eight with the volleyball squad.

None with us girls?

If he's reading this he's probably thinking: I didn't because you didn't mention, so I thought you didn't want to.

Well, considering how desperate I was to take selfies with him it's pretty obvious I wanted to take Polaroids with him too.
I'm not being uninterested in the Polaroids, I'm waiting for a Polaroid.

But in his eyes he only sees a stitched white ball.

Any other that is dirt.

I asked him, who was I to him, who was Joan to him, who was Ruo Xuan to him and who were the volleyball gang to him.
He only answered with one simple word: friends.

We asked him to leave the group, he did in an instant.

And seconds later he blocked me.

And I cried.

I lost a friend. I lost a brother.

I'm alone again.

Nobody in school to talk crap with anymore.


And I can't even imagine that his actual birthday present this year was supposed to be the first piano composition of my life.


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TaiShanNiangNiang #1
{Hugs} Friends change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for worse. And guys, whew, just because they age just like you do doesn't mean they grow up as fast - or at all.
Something similar happened to me, so I definitely sympathize!