I ship Layhun so hard rn

Their official shipper name is s exing but i guess it's also selay and layhun, haha i titled my blog entry that so it won't be bleeped out orz --;



i would so buy every last one of their tapes, if they make any together wep wep




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900326 #1
I feel jealous~ LOL HAHA
Why does Lay like to kiss everybody in EXO...? *they so duper duper cute*
you know? i ship them because kiss game that use chocolate *i forget the game's name*
prettynpiink #4
I am surprised you don't have the cut from showtime with them on the bed together in ep 6 I think. I don't know if it is actually them but another layhun shipper I know was pointing out the layhun moments for me. I personally don't ship them, but they do look cute together.
Omgsh those two together is so y ^_~