C O N F E S S I O N S (T_T)

What am I gonna do? I have alot on-going stories and I felt sorry to my readers and subscribers.

This is my stories that still on-going :

Our dream come true : I only update until ch.5 and it's on draft. I'm going to edit this fanfic because of my childish writing-style. [characters : Teen Top]

The Fool of me : only update until ch.2 and it's on draft and editing writing style.[characters : Teen Top]

Not-So-Perfect Match : I consider this fanfic as my favourite one but I put it on draft because I only update until ch.5. [Characters: EXO]

Lovely Library : My firs romance chaptered fanfic but put it on draft because I haven't update anything. [Characters : CNBLUE]

Differences between Shadow and Dark : Haven't update anthing and put it on draft. [Characters : EXO]

Le Abandonner Coeur : Just 1 chapter left and it will completed. [Characters : EXO]

Deep Scars : My first BTS fanfic and I'll try update it everytime but I fail. [Characters : BTS]


I need your opinion, what should I do with my fanfics? Should I delete it or keep it on draft then,update when I have time or ideas.


Thanks for read it :')


- XOXO, Byunghunnie204


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Your case are the same as mine, most of my ff are not yet done >< but, i guess that you need to focus one of your ff first. then, when your ff are about 20-30 plus chapters, then probably you can start writing the new chapters for the other ff ^^ just an opinion from me. really hope the best for your ff xD huwaa , goodluck!!
You should put the on-going fanfics on draft, and the almost complete story, just finish that first. You know what, you should update your fics one by one, and when their done, I swear I'll stole some of them >:D *Joke* ._.