Gotta let out the "Solo Day" feels

Need to squeal for a moment over the new B1A4, "Solo Day." DUCKY IS SO CHUBSY!

Between his adorable squishiness in this video and the fan photos I've been mooning over from him and CNU filming Let's Go Dream Team, I just don't know how I could possibly love Sandeul more. I keep thinking I've reached the limit, but he keeps showing me that there is always a way to love him more. hahaha


From now on, every time I order a pizza I am going to be massively depressed when I open the door and Sandeul is not standing on the other side.

The video is so much fun. The song is cute and catchy. Everybody looks really good. It looks like they had a lot of fun filming it. That spaceship was pretty sweet. lol

Can't wait for promotions next week!

Thank you, B1A4, for saving my day! I less than three you forever~ chu~


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