One of my friends (yes, Jia. I'm talking about you) has been using this thing.

I've been sending her questions as an anon lol. I don't really think she knows which ones are from me. Oh well.

I made my own, here:

Please, ask me anything you'd like to know about me. I'll be more than happy to answer your questions...about me, of course.

Accepting questions in English, Malay and Manglish.

Once you read the answers, please promise these two things?

1. Don't bash/judge me.

2. Don't tell my parents.


Kakay, thank you and ask away~


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Eh eh kau ni. Lol. Sorry ah aku tk main except to annoy my frens ahahah if i feel like annoying you as an anon one day i will but for now akak ni busy sikit eh dik.
Unnie saya tak kenal parent unnie pun macam mana nak bagitau