New Fanfic translation site!

So yeah. I am kind of translating fanfics now... Lol. I translate fanfics to spanish, which is my mother tongue, and I'm currently posting in wattpad. And yeah. At the moment I have posted the translations for "The Camera Catastrophe" by StarlightSpirit and "Hold Me Like A Pillow" by whimsicalindulgence, and I'm working on the translation of "Noodle Boy Next Door" by Starlight Spirit. It's a pretty new site, and maybe some day I'll be getting a real blog... but if anyone is interested, you can go visit the site, or if you have friends who only speak spanish, I'll keep posting more translations, but mainly Infinite fics kkkk.

Ah, I don't even know what I'm doing, it's like 3 am here and I haven't spoken for like five hours and my fingers are numb lol.

So, I'll leave the links below.

My profile:

Hold Me Like A Pillow:

The Camera Catastrophe:

Over and Out!


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