Regarding the copy-right symbol (alt-code 0169 = ©)

I don't know if you have run into this problem or not but its something i just noticed for myself while re-creating a layout for my layout shop. 
I normally code/draft themes in my blog posts, and so I put a copy right symbol into it as my way to credit myself. Now in the blog post the whole layout showed up fine.

Then, I move to my shop thread and paste the code there, and in editing mode it looks fine, but once I save it, and view the page AFF deleted the copyright symbol and /everything/ coded after it. At first I didnt realize what the problem was until I noticed it was gone.

So I took out the symbol and re-pasted the code like before, and this time when I saved it, it all showed up with no problem.
is this an issue you guys have been running lately into or have you noticed it before?
I'm not sure if I'm the only one having this issue..


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Hello! I’m a coder too and i was stalking around so i found this. I don’t know if you still need help or not, but if you’re asking me, there are nothing wrong when i saved my layouts, so it’s probably your browser’s fault? Try to clean your cache and refresh the page.

If this doesn’t work out, ask AffHelper ^^