
I'm kinda new kid here so let me introduce myself..if you find this boring,you may stop reading this post now -_- or you will regret reading it ^_^

-intro please-

I'm Nur and I'm proudly admit that I love k-drama and k-pop since I'm 11 years old..now,i'm 16..haha,I'm already old now...so,let see..oh yes,how can I forget..my bias list^^

-just can't list their name..my bias is so cool and you might freeze to death if you know them ^_^but I'm multifandom^^

let's proceed..

well,at first I'm in love with Bigbang song and yeah,their song is totally awesome..no doubt about that and I'm in love with Super Junior too...

but time flew so fast and now,I'm i love with next generation of Hallyu idol..

So,what I'm going to share with all of you is about my experience loving kpop^^

in my school,when someone said the word "kpop"..everyone will looking at he or her weirdly..and that's not cool..they make fun of our bias and mimicking the kpoppers back(me and my kpopperz friend) and said it's no use spending your time watching kpop...ta??what's wrong with kpop?do you have any problem with it or you just jealous of us for being in love with our bias???i'm curious why they do that..it's not like someone stole your lover -_- sometimes,i just let them be..bcuz,i don't care eh,eh,eh,eh,eh..i don't care eh,eh,eh,eh,eh..cuz i don't care^^

next is my sweet bitter memory of loving kpop..

and i'm sure you have one too..

as for me,I'm just so happy if i can watch my bias through streaming online.helping them win through voting section and many more....i'm like the others who's a kpoppers but i do not live in the same country as my bias...hehe,I'm spending at least  ten minute to know how my bias doing everyday^^if the doing this have taste..i will say it taste just like caramel macchiato,sweet and full of cream^^

as for me,the bitter one is when i cannot buy their new album...that's sad bcuz I'm a student and yeah,my mom said that money should be save for my future life and my education...i accept that and...yeah,i'm always saving up my money for that reason...kpop is kpop but learning is important as it will guide how your future will be like..and if this have a taste,it will taste just like espresso,bitter and no cream at all...

i will end it until here^^

till we meet in my next post ^_^

NUR xoxo

p/s:I got number two among 158 students which born in the same year as me,1998^^see?I'm kpoppers but yet,i still can get good grades^^


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Choclate #1
Oh my god last time I had said K-Pop in my school they looked like their house got ramsacked by a bunch of hoodlums XD