Yesterdays World Cup Match

Germany won! And how they won! Holy , I've never seen such an awesome much in my 12 years of watching football!


For everyone who has not watch it, you missed a great match there. It was a truly beautiful game on the German side but I pitied the Brazilian players and I didn't like that the brazilian fans booed their own team. That was a big no for me.

I still remember the WC 2006 clearly as Germany lost against Italy (the WC was held in Germany at that time) and the fans didn't boo the German team at all. They thanked and cheered for them for giving them such a beautiful WC, quite a crass contrast to yesterday's match. It was a sad sight so see.

The Brazilian team was everything else than organized and the defense was just... well, was non existend, to be honest.They were so disorganized and they didn't have their heads in the game. Sure it was sad that Neymar and Silva couldn't play but if you stand on the court with your team, then you have to be present.


Nevertheless, as sad as Brazilian's play and team play was, the more brilliant Germany's was.


That was just... from another world. The passes were on point (most of the time. Sure, a few mistakes happened here and there but all in all their passes were really good) and the players worked as a team, which I haven't seen much in this world cup, aside from the team from the Netherlands (there were a few others but I didn't watch all games).


I was actually really worried because I had the Brazil-Germany match from the WC 2002 in Japan very well in mind and I knew how strong the Brazil team usually is... but that match yesterday was utter destroying and thrashing (one has to admit though that they current Brazil team is nowhere near at the level of the old Brazil national teams, which were glorious).


The first goal fell, shot by Müller, and my friends and I were in High hopes that we could make it because it was like in the 9th minute.

And then came Klose in the 23 minute! I am so happy for him that he broke Ronaldo's (the Brazilian Ronaldo) record for the most goals in a WC, considering that this is his last WC ever.

Then the goals came in like a storm. Kroos shot two goals in a 2 minute intervall (24' and 26' minute) and Kedira finished in the 29' minute! Holy crap, 4 goals in 6 minutes and the score for the first quarter was 5-0 for Germany!

My friends and I couldn't believe it! We were like "What the hell just happened? The first half still has 15 minutes and we already lead with 5-0?!"


The last goals were made by Schürrle (damn I love that guy XD He's awesome :D But Kroos is also awesome, and Müller of course... The German group has only awesome players XD) and at the game we all were like "We won? We won 7-1 against Brazil? What the HELL?!?!"

But we were so, so happy! Because we won and mostly because Germany played such a beautiful football! (Though they held back in the second quarter)

I mean, that was the kind of football I really love to watch and that is the kind football that is worthy to watch.

Also, I have to applaud Neuer. That guy is really something. Well he was awarded the world's best goalman and he deserves that title.... besides, I love him :'D He's such a funny person and it is always funny to watch him running out of his box and taking a spot in the defense :'D It wouldn't wonder me if he manages to shoot a goal in the final game (okay that is a joke)

Now I am totally hyped for the final game since Germany wasn't in a world cup final since 2002, and I hope for a Germany-Netherland game because both teams are awesome and have a good team play and good coaches (Ha! In ya face to everyone who criticized Löw for bringing in such young players).


I probably will watch the match Netherland vs Argentinia today and hope that the better will win, but of course I want Germany to take the pot home :D


For everyone, I really recommend to watch a video summary of the game. They probably will show the goals, which all were so beautiful. Especially that one from Schürrle. Damn what an awesome and sharp angle!


What I liked the most, next to Germany's great play, was the sportsmanship between the two groups. There barely wereany.fouls (though I side eye that one were müller got an ellbow rammed into his face) and they helped each other up a lot and the consoling from the German team at the end of the match was heartwarming.


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I think I could hear the booing all the way from America. LOL. It was so sad! But the thing is like Brazil gave up pretty much trying in the second half. Like their goalie literally didn't even jump up to block the last goal. I could see people streaming out leaving after seeing that their team wasn't doing any good, which I thought was a little ridiculous, because that's only going to discourage the team more, you know? In every sport, mentality matters, and the Brazil fans certainly weren't helping.

I mean, the Korean soccer team got like this traditional sticky toffee thrown on them at the Incheon airport once they returned from world cup this year. I thought that was a little ridiculous.

And Germany was fantastic. LOL. That teamwork was beautiful, and it's going to be a match that's gonna leave a record.

I heard from my mom, who is a journalist, that the dude who kneed Neymar, causing his spine to fracture is seeking refuge in some country in Europe because he's gotten some serious death threats from Brazilians. O.O Maybe it's like some cultural thing, because my mom was praising the sportmanship she's seen during world cup, because she was like wow, they actually shake hands and hug each other, LOL OUR country (Korea's) coach would go yell at them or something.

and OMG Argentina v Netherlands was great! The former's goalie did amazing in the penalty kicks, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the other goalie. He seriously looked so sad. D:
Rima-chan #2
That match was so awesome, but I really pitied the brazilian team in the end... I think they really deserved the last goal, although my friends say they didn't. I mean, they tried to shoot goals, but we have Neuer :D
It's really great of them that they never gave up, even when it was 7:0.
It was so sad that the people already left after 30 minutes, just because their team wasn't that good. That's no sports spirit (okay that sounds german xD).
All in all it was an awesome match
minanie #3
About the booed, I present you the pile of stupid rich people from Brazil! The cost of the tickets here in Brazil was ridiculously expensive and only people from a high social class could buy. That's why when you looked at the bleachers, you could only see white people. Another way of showing our racial inequality (yes, we are one, but not).
Anyway, these same type of people are also the ones who went just to say that they went to a Brazilian match. You know, those ones who only cheered for their team when they were winning? Yes, this is the type of people who went there. Please, do not get this stupid image from Brazil. Brazil is just like any other country - have stupid people and nice people - and there's a looooooot of humans in here, haha!
(sorry about the orthographic mistakes, my english is a little rusty)
minanie #4
I am Brazilian, and honestly, yes, Germany was waaaay better than Brazil, your football was really really powerful and tactical. Congratulations!
The brazilian team weren't by far what one day they were, but more than half of the fault yesterday lies on Scolari (the coach). He changed David Luiz's side (confusing him, that's why Müller had space to make his first goal), telling him to go to the right side, although the whole WC he played on the left side. Then, he structured the team equal to the German team. You never do that when you can clearly see that the other team is stronger than yours. He should've closed the middle, and instead of doing that, he chose to continue the way he always played (COMPLETELY OLD-SCHOOL AND NOT FUNCTIONAL FOR NOWADAYS FOOTBALL) and changed a few players on the middle that shouldn't be changed. There was a lot of mistakes by this coach and, yes, the problem is his. First of all, he chose Fred. Fred is the worst player ever. He played nothing in all matches, and he still stayed there, as number 9 (which one day belonged to Ronaldo. what a shame). Basically, Brazil has played with 10 functional players, not 11.
Anyway, I'm just commenting here because I get angry when people blame the players. Yes, there was some emotional problems (a lot of them are really young and not experienced) and the pressure they had is inexplicable (playing at home, five time world championm and the other WC at Brazil didn't go out well, we lost for Uruguay at the finals). Yesterday's match was a shame for brazilian football, yes, but half of those players did not deserve to be so humiliated. David Luiz played for his life in every match and he was so freaking sad after the game, when he was being interviewed, I cried with him. And yes, he is one hell of an awesome player, you don't ing play at Chelsea when you're a ing pile of like Fred (or Hulk).
(it won't fit here, but I'll make another comment about the boos)
sujushineeroc #5
It was the most surprising match I have ever watched!! History before the eyes!! I was the same as you-I couldn't believe what was happening. I did feel really bad for Brazil, but after that second goal Brazil completely fell apart!! It was sad to see happening, because they are supposed to be a good team! One of the analysts after the match made a really good comparison-watching that match was like watching a game of amateurs vs. professionals. Not only did Brazil's defense completely fall apart from shock but I feel like the keeper himself was shocked enough that he felt insecure about saving close shots towards the goal (one of the reasons why so many went in so fast). It was such a contrast because if it hadn't been Germany, then they might not have lost as badly as they did, but I think because it was Germany and because Germany has the capability to play really wonderful football, they were completely destroyed. Germany played wonderful football yesterday, and if, like me, you didn't think that any team had particularly distinguished themselves so far in the WC, then after yesterday you might want to think again because Germany was stunning yesterday. They kept themselves together and were relentless and they were so effective yesterday that I really believe they have a very good chance of winning it all. Germany is a really good team and I believe that they can keep themselves together and not get over confident for the final match. If anything I hope they use this match's result as confirmation that when they play at their best there are virtually unstoppable.
Yes, the match was stunning :D Go Germany!! In this World Cup I support Netherlands and Germany, I really don't know how I would watch them both play and who I would cheer for haha I guess I'll be happy for whoever wins :D
And I'm going to Germany after one week, it's so unfortunate that the WC will be finished by then (unless something happens haha), I would love to watch the match with fellow Germans at some bar or soemthing haha
I hope Germany win this time,I support them since world cup 2002 in japan-south korea..they always gets far but unfortunately never get the trophy... other teams like argentina,brasil,portugal may have the best player in the world in their team and rarely scoring with the best goals, but what I love from Germany is that their strength is depend from their team work not just depend for one or two player,they are selfless. Their teamwork is superb!
about last night game, I think the fact that silva and neymar couldn't play really boost their confidence. Tony Kroos rocks!!!

I saw on the news that Angela Merkel will be watching live the final (always amusing watching her,she's like the biggest fan girl of the team) hope she can be the lucky charm for Germany team :)
Locketlover #8
Lol my friend is obsessed with the Germany team and she is also German as well. I even painted the German flag on her nails:3 I didn't watch it but she did and she was manic
Hoshino #9
The goal were really beautiful! I was literally with my jaw hanging! And I am so thankful for those people who think that the Brazilian audience was just too much! I told my friend that the audience was full of d*ckheads for doing such thing, but she told e she would have done that. After her text, I didn't reply to her anymore... And I was told that in a point where you can watch the play outside with lots of people burned the flag... Isn't that just horrible to do????
Hoshino #10
Really, Germany was playing so well, both in attack and defense. The goals came like a shock that every Brazilian person watching thought they were replays of each other, it was kinda funny. Like, I was so lost.
Hoshino #11
I am Brazilian, but study at a German school, so generally, I first cheer for Brazil and then for Germany, but yesterday I couldn't choose one to cheer for. Honestly, Germany deserved to win, the team was much better than Brazil's team, they were lacking in the defense part. Of course it hurt a little bit to see Brazil losing in such a way. When the staff of the channel interviewed the players, I couldn't help but cry. And that is how most brazilians are, ungrateful. It is not as if it is easy to play under so much pressure, if they think so, why don't they play for us? Now, I am cheering for Germany to be the winner. And guys, let be honest, only the T-shirt of Neymar did more than Fred, I am sorry, but he was lacking a lot...
Orangeflowergirl #12
Yeahaa... I watched the match and maannn... I was gaping like a fish... I thought i was hallucinating, i just went to grab a drink and when i came back i was like what the hell happened?! The score alrd 5-0
That was epic really xD
LeeChaeMi #13
I'm so happy as well! Although I don't live in Germany, it's football team has always been my favorite and yesterday just showed how great of a team they are together. Amazing to watch, yesterday ^^
After Germany 5th goal I gave up on watching lol....