these two guy [2] (update!!!) alSO I NEED UR HELP

parts [1] [2]


i can't believe i forgot about this moment gOD DAMN IT 

me and my sister saw them with this one tall girl--the uke was facing the seme, a hand on his shoulder. we were just about to pass by them when i heard the tall girl say, "but guys can't kiss other guys in the cheek!" gooDNESS GRACIOUS 

i haven't been seeing them a lot these days. exams just ended. hopefully there'll be more moments. ^^ i'll promise to update!!


guys i rly need your help for this one. simply just click here and you will be directed to a youtube video. if you have a youtube account I WANT YOU TO JUST LIKE THE VIDEO. THAT'S IT. JUST LIKE IT. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH IT. (also tell anyone you know in real life who have a youtube account to like that vid too, alright??)

this will rly help a lot thanks!!


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