these two guys [2]

asdfghjkl hey guys it's been a while 

check out the first one here okie dokie.

INTERACTION NO. 1) lols ok guys the uke showed up in school wearing a jacket (gosh idk it wasn't even raining that day if i remember correctly) when school ended, i saw them walking out of their class and i also saw the seme taking the jacket off the uke and holding it for him /)///u///(\ aish the seme is such a gentleman sometimes 

INTERACTION NO. 2) but before they went out of the school gates to head to their buses the uke took his jacket then (this is a thang i always see them doing omg) put his hand on the seme's cheek, carressed it, then trailed his hand down to touch his chest. they always touch chests don't they gdi

INTERACTION NO. 3) so the other day we went to the hall, and from where i'm sitting i had this perfect view of them it was awesome ok ;; so like yea i saw the seme take the uke's bag and held it for him for a moment before handing it back, then after a few (occasion flirting cough cough) minutes, for some reason the uke lifted his sleeve to reveal his biceps. (he was rly lanky so he doesn't have any muscles in case you were wondering ha ha) the seme touched it, and that's when i saw something glinting--he's wearing a ring. 

INTERACTION NO. 4) then the seme pulled the uke's sleeve back down. the uke went to wrap his arm around the seme's shoulder, and that's when i saw the exact same ring. 


INTERACTION NO. 5) it was break time and they passed by our table to head to their table and apparently it reminded my friend of smth,,,,,, she told me that she saw this girl holding a bag of chips. the seme went over to her and took one, and then took a bite, then fed (his half bitten chip) to the uke

did they technically kiss indirectly

i don't need an answer 

that's all i could remember cries i've been rly busy but i'll be back if i remember anything ok!!!

also tl;dr so sorry if there are any mistakes


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