The reason I've been AWOL

So you may have noticed that I have been AWOL with few updates recently. The reason for that is because I got a new job!
It's a newly opened restaurant with a fantastic team of people, however they haven't hired enough people yet and as I was one of the first hired I'm working a stupid amount of hours just while they train the new people up. As a result, I'm doing long shifts. Since Wednesday, so in 6 days, I've done 54 hours of work. I get in at around midnight and just want to sleep. I have no energy to write. My hours are beginning to decrease now, so hopefully I can write more now!
It is exciting though. I absolutely love the job, and it's so awesome to be busy again. Plus, i'm saving for my trip to Korea next summer, and so far I have earned 1/5 of the money I need for that! So exciting! :3
So yeah, hopefully I can be around more from now on.
-Love Jade
(who is currently nursing her poor, swollen, burning feet) 


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hotterthanasummer #1
glad you're enjoying the job :D
I haven't waited tables, but I used to be a hotel porter and yeah, the creative juices don't exactly flow when your feet are aching like that xD;
im happy for you and goodluck!
Yay!! I'm happy for you. Good luck:).
karlapatricia #4
I'm happy for you!!
I've worked in a restaurant and is very cool I simply loved it so much, a shame that I had to leave just because we had little time for school, but once finished I will work in a restaurant, I think I fell in love with this whole thing of care.
I made plans to attend college event!
I worked for 4 months and were terrible lack of sleep and time to do something
all I wanted when I got home was sleep and eat without counting that walked around looking like a zombie from lack of sleep, but that's okay :)
wish you luck
and it is a shame that you are not having much time to write
aigo want to go back to work
Remember when you were at 1/15 and now you're at 1/5!!!