10 tips for a good story

10 tips for a good story

So I'm a writer, and lots of my friends and readers on here are writers too. That's why I wanted to share the tips I use when writing. I thought it could be fun to share, and if you have any tips or some of the same, you can tell me!^^



1. Make it as simple as possible.
     -  Of course you can add your touch to the writing style, but if you change 'point of view' too many times, or your sentences doesn't really make sense, it will get confusing. Also if you have many characters, try your best to keep them in a leash. Also, everyone likes simple and neat stuff, it gives their eyes and mind some sense of control.


2. Would you enjoy your story?
    - I personally always imagine the story inside my head like a movie. Would I like the movie, the way it's portrayed? And it is then well portrayed in the story? Like do I see the room my character is in. Do I know how my character look, or can I at least imagine it? It's often good to leave some to the reader's imagination.


3. Make sure there's balance.
    - Is their a balance in what you write? Too much writing about the characters looks or scenery? Too much talking about what the characters feel? Or are you trying it all out at once? It's good to keep it down, first the place, what the character feels about the place, then what the character does next. Don't try to mix scenery, feelings and actions together, it can get confusing. But if there is a balance, then it's good. Just feel like your writing is pleasing to you and not confusing.


4. Leave out too much info.
    - Like mentioned in 2. leave some things to the readers imagination. I personally find it annoying with too much info, like what color is every piece of someone's clothing, which brand is it. I don't really wanna know everything about what the person is wearing, maybe about how the shirt is too big. Not too many details. Also, if the person is listening to music, don't mention every single song. Again, you can categorize. "She was listening to all her favorite boybands." Instead of; "She was listening to BIGBANG, TEEN TOP, EXO and also B.A.P because she liked them a lot." I personally like when it's kept original, and not too amature-fanfic-like. You don't always have to say which city, what area and what street the character is on, it's unnecessary. 


5. Strong characters (Is my characters catching?)
    - By strong, I'm not meaning they're strong strong, but they aren't flat, they're interesting. Would you get emotionally connected with this character? Would you team up with this character? Do you feel connected? Often it's good to give a character a problem that every normal person has. Like insecurity. No one, none is not insecure. Also, everyone fails at times, and everyone has pride. Also, I know clicheés are catchy, but always look for a way to make your character unique.


6. Your plot should be like a mountain ridge.
    - Your plot should have not only one problem, but many. Of course with one main, but many small ones as well. Not too many of course. Also, try your best to make it surprising, so that the reader can't guess what happens next. Again, a strong catchy plot is great, and make it hard for your character. Make it so hard you will think the character can't make it, but then it proves you wrong. The greates and most cathy plots are when it seems impossible for your character to make it, and it goes through ups and downs. You think you can make it, but then it fails, what now? Life is like that, and so should your story be. No matter if it's fantasy or slice-of-life. No one drives on a smooth road. Either it's cut off early, either there's bones beneath or there's mountains ahead.


7. How to keep the monster called writer's block away, or defeat it.
    - We all face it, that ugly monster called writer's block. I can only say from my own perspective, that finding inspiration and with a little push, you can do it. I push myself over the bump that I had to face, even if my writing is , I try my best to just pass it. Or else, wait a little. Movies, music, stories are the best cure. We all get inspired, and learning from others really helps. I often have a playlist just for one story, so every time I'm lost, I'll get in the mood when listening to these songs. And sometimes, you just have to delete the path that led to the monster, then create a different one.


8. How do I improve?
    - By reading other stories, often ones that you think are better than yours, you'll learn from them. As an author or writer, the skill you need is to take in all you can. Steal ideas and bend them, dress them up after your own style and no one will notice, but you will have improved. If you're willing to learn, you will improve quickly.


9. Go out, and try stuff, see stuff, observe.
    - I often learn how to narrate by noticing how I myself react in situations, how do my feelings come to me, what do I feel? What do I notice about people, and rooms when I first enter? Do it yourself, try it out. Sometimes I even try to narrate in my head, and I can use the same techniques when writing. 


10. Titles? Just make it you.
    - I don't know about titles. Often I give my story a title, but then changes it. Sometimes I give it many many titles. Titles are supposed to give the reader the first clue. It's the first impression, so you want it to be perfect. Like, The Hunger Games, it gives you a clear picture, also it makes you confused. Like what is this book about? Hunger Games? Sounds exciting, right? Sometimes calling your story something weird and interesting, it can also work to catch someones attention. But mostly it's about if you like it. The story, the title, the characters. It's always about if you like it. No, love it. If you don't love your story, how can anyone else love it?



Or you can always find other tips, here: WRITEWORLD





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woaah. thanks for the tips, really ^3^)
Ohh these are helpful! :) thanks for sharing them with us c:
Wow, this was really helpful thanks :)