1 month more...

Heyy, guys.

Aigoo, this blog is going to be so depressing but if you read it and give me some advice or something, then thank you in advanced or something.


1 month later, I won't be seeing him anymore... because he's graduating.

Him. Yes, you don't know him. (He's the guy I like if y'all are asking)

And you know what the most?
It's that I didn't even talk to him anymore for the past months for unknown reasons.

And all I want is just to talk to him and just be friends with him again, like the old times.

Yeah, I know he doesn't like me back (who would?) but I just want him to just... well, I don't know... say that he at least cared for me, the time that we were close.

Aish, maybe I shouldn't have confessed or something. Thinking about that incident just makes me cringe now. (Oh the crazy things that my best friends make me do)

But maybe it's also because I've been kind of avoiding him. I mean, how can I not avoid him when whenever he goes near me, my heart just beats wildly and butterflies invade my stomach and those kinds of feelings you get. And I can't even look him in the eye!

I just really don't know what to do and I just keep on hoping that one of these days, he'll just talk to me again.


Gratisan Musik


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FlamingCharismaGirl #1
We barely talk once every two,three weeks now.We just say hello to each other. *sighs*
FlamingCharismaGirl #2
At the prom I made my way to him,I don't even know how I had the courage after he refused me once.I said hi and I told him.<br />
"Tonight you're mine!" And the whole night I danced only with him.God,that was the best night ever.And the way he danced with me,and touched my body,not a ert way,he just lead my body through music.At the end of the night on a slow song,I looked up at him and told him I still like him.[ i couldn't say that I love him,that might have scared him].He the hugged me tight,at his chest,twice,and looked at me.I thought he'll say he likes me too,but he didnt.Instead he told me he isnt prepared for a relationship.And I was almost to cry,but I didn't.Once again I told him I'll wait for him.I know he won't never come to me,because his friends don't like me because I'm not a ,barbie girl as they want and I guess I'm not that beautiful for him to look at me.<br />
Advices? I don't have what to say to you.I'm in the same problem.And I have to see him everyday,because his class is next to me.Everytime we see each other on the hallaway,my heart goes crazy and I want to cry.I'm stupid for loving him.<br />
I tried to forget him by having a relationship with another guy.But it failed because I was only thinking at him,so I broke up with the guy,because I couldnt be with him and loving another.All this things seems like a failed teenage movie.Pft...right now I like ' love'!<br />
FlamingCharismaGirl #3
I know how you feel.There's a boy I like too,I know him since I was 7 and my feelings for him began to develop 2 years ago.We began to talk,and get closer and everything was just fine until I confessed my feelings to him.I decided to confess because the way he acted around me seemed like he really liked me too.Then we became colder and suddenly he didnt was that closer to me.He said he has a girlfriend,which wasn't true,but I,like a fool,I said okay and that I'll always be there,close to him,as a friend,if something more can't happen.I really really love him,it's been 2 years since I can't get him out of my head.<br />
A few months ago,we had a prom at our school,a prom for the new kids,in the first year of highschool.I'm in my second year and he's in the third.I went at the prom without date,and I really didn't cared.I'm not that type that cries over the fact that I'm single.There I saw him,surrounded my his "famous" friends,he's a voleyball player,one of the "famous people" in the school.It sounds like a movie,I the not so beautiful girl,and him,the hot guy,only with a sad end.<br />
saranghaeKVAD #4
Is it okay if I give you some advice? <br />
You do not have to totally listen to my advice because it's not that good but... I know what you're going through.. <br />
If you like this boy and if you know he doesn't exactly feel the same way about you, being friends wouldn't hurt.<br />
I think you should just go up to him and talk.<br />
A casual "Hey." or "Hi." or even "Hello." could make the biggest difference.<br />
Boys can't really express their feelings and they don't really know what to do in an awkward situation. Like IU in this song, you're hoping someday you two could be close like you already were... But to make that happen....<br />
Someday, you're gonna have to gather up the courage and talk to him. <br />
You said there's only one more month til he graduates? <br />
Well... That someday better be soon :) <br />
I have faith in you!<br />
I know you can do it. <br />
FIGHTING~ <br />
<br />
I hope that helps you. <br />
If it doesn't.... <br />
<br />
=.=<br />
Yeah, Mianhae.<br />
<br />
♥ I believe you can do it. <br />
Don't hesitate or procrastinate.<br />
The sooner the better.<br />
Much of luck & love ! ~<br />
-SaranghaeKVAD; <3