How to be a good friend

Guys,authors and readers out there. :D Hi! Why is my title like that? -_- Well,lemme tell u s0mething... Before,in 2013, I made the 'greatest' mistakes which made me really,really,REALLY regret until now... (T_T) I made my bestfriends felt tricked,cheated and lastly... Betrayed. (look down) :'( I kn0w what u guys might think of me... After that incident,I regretted and went for a confession. I had repented from all I'd done... I'm now a quiet but silent plus a shy kid. At school, I, sometimes don't dare to chat with my classmates especially those friends whom I lied to,even though they had forgiven me. They still talk to me but, I only speak n0t m0re than 10 words to them. But yeah,they still manage to handle that. The problem is, ME. I want to be a good friend to them. Somehow, because of my stupidity, I don't know how. I've been surfing in internet but, I didn't kn0w HOW! Yes, as I've said before, because of my stupidity. So... Can I have someone to help me out? Pls? :'(


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I can relate :1 I think you just need to talk to them straight forward and talk about what you've done wrong (make their forgiveness seem more meaningful). Also ask if they can help you realize your mistakes (what you've been doing wrong) and then you can always look out for those mistakes. Idk this is what I did and it helped. Just remember that mistakes help us to have a good life.
(Sorry if this is useless :P)
ThisIsNotWolf #2
You say you talk to them, yes? They're OK with you?