〈 여름 // ❛ good day sunshine : amy cheon.

GOOD DAY sunshine.
the basics.
” eric [ by mark ] because she calls mark "ariel" for his red hair and love for fishy creatures; "let's be fair. if i'm ariel, then you're eric." "but-"
” kiddo [ by jason ] something only her cousin calls her because she's like a little kid.
BIRTHDAY: 04/09/1993 [ 20 yrs old ]
BIRTHPLACE: los angeles, california
HOMETOWN: los angeles, california
ETHNICITY: full korean kimchi

” korean [ mothertongue / what she speaks with her parents ]

” english [ fluent / second language / what she speaks outside and at home with her cousin ]
” konglish [ conversational / n0t a real language / pretty much everyone ]

pulchritude is a weird word.
FACECLAIM NAME: park girim
STYLE: like the many things deemed important to amy, fashion and clothes will always be something close to her heart. although, she's not entirely a fashionista, she's at least the type of girl who likes looking cute on a bright summer day. i mean, who knows! you wouldn't want to be looking all funky in front of someone totally out of your leauge, now would you?
considering the personality she has, amy has
never been one to wear on anything thick (which goes in account for make-up as well, consiting only of bb cream, lip-balm and a little brow pencil) because she adores feeling light and free to move. even when the weather's snowed in and windy, the girl's still determinded to wear her favourite collar blouse; her preference in clothing usually genres around a springy, summery sort of look. the days when wearing jean shorts and tank tops aren't considered "exposing too much" - as her father would say. she also likes to keep away from depressing dark colors, so she avoids deep navy blues and that dreaded charcol black (unless they're stripes or a nice pair of jeans). to be honest, amy isn't normally kept to one type of fashion either. she likes a variety of clothes. from a floral light summer dress to her mom's old shorts and her cousin jason's graphic tee - really, the girl could be wearing her dad's sweaters one day. as long as she looks good with what she's wearing and there's nothing keeping her from having a good day in the sun. as far as accessories and hairstyle goes though, she doesn't do much about it. she used to always tie it up in ponytails or messily made buns (because, honestly she doesn't know how to fix her hair right), but since she got her hair cut shorter, she doesn't mind letting it down.

APPEARANCE: prancing across the world at 163cm and rolling around in a weight of 57kg, amy is a little on the average side of things. her hair is a lot shorter than it used to be, now a little below her ears and has dyed it an amberish-brown; her skin is rather pale despite her love for the outdoors and carries a few nicks and scars on her legs from being such a reckless kid (for example, skidding off her bike, tripping over a wire, falling onto gravel and maybe messing with her neighbours cat). there isn't anything that particulary stands out about amy, other than that strange frog-looking mark on her inner thigh and overall she's a simple beauty like all the other bloosming women around the world. she isn't necessarily insecure about her appearance either, and really only worries over having to wear her (dorky, large) spectacles every now and then. too bad she can't just get rid of them, otherwise she's practically blind.
getting down to the heart of this.


despite being born full korean, amy had never once stepped foot onto korean land (until now, of course). amy's lived in los angeles all her life, in the same old town, in the same old complex, with the same old people and the same old-same old. but, she's never really felt the need to complain. afterall, she's always lived pretty cheerful anyways, since she's been chirpy and optimistc since she was a little. however, she often got herself into trouble as kid (and as a teenager), due to turning around in class to talk to mark, climbing her neighbours fence to play with mark, sneaking cookies into the yard with mark and maybe attacking a boy for being mean to her precious, precious mark. if you don't know who mark is, he's literally the closest and longest friend amy has ever had as a kid; literally the closest and longest friend she has now, too.but, even when she caused a lot of trouble, both in and out of school alike, amy's grades were never that bad. there were a few c's here, a couple "you could do better"'s there, but she managed to make through highschool just fine with the hard work she committed into doing - even if her mom blames her teachers for being too easy on her. as an only child, her parents would often lecture and pressure her to do better in school since she was their only focus in life. they didn't always like the idea of her being an artist either, when she one day brought up how she really liked painting and wanted to start a career that way. as the typical parents, they wanted her to pursue a life as a doctor or a lawer. an artist wouldn't get her anywhere, they told her and through the years, amy always tried to prove to her parents that she could. that was probably what had her work harder in school in the first place; if her parent's thought she was useless at school of course they would think she was useless at art! so, she put herself to good work and bumped those c's to border-line a's. of course, she still ended up a little immature and irresponsible, amy still proved herself and that's about all she needed for freedom!

she recently enrolled into a college as an art major; unfortunately not in the same college as mark as she would have preferred, but a good art college nonetheless. amy also got a job at the mall too, working the cash register for some vintage music store (which she requires to work at on weekends, tuesdays and fridays). her salary isn't a lot, but it's enough to help pay for her school fees and the rent she shares with her older cousin jason, since she's moved in with him not too long ago to be closer to her college. everything's pretty new to amy right now, since she's only just started out, but, she's been working hard. she gets up early in the morning (courtesy of her cousin, who nags about skipping breakfast), heads off to classes and studies a good hundred-thousand-hours (she doesn't keep track) before she's heading off to work and coming home to dinner and more assignments to work on. amy also rarely gets to spend any time with mark as she used to, most of it being occupied by school and work and sleeping in. they meet up here and there, to eat out or watch movies at each other's places, but their meet-ups have been very slim. it also doesn't help that mark has a job as well, and even if amy wanted to hang out with jason - damn. he's got a job too.
TRAITS: homespun " jaunty " doltish " impetuous " individualistc " acquiescent
PERSONALITY: now, although there's a singular quote stating to "never judge a book by it's cover", when it comes across to amy cheon there's really not a lot to judge. she's as cheerful and dumb as her 100-watt smile, as dense and incoherent as her vomit of speech and about as normal as her sweet, sweet ability to walk straight into closed doors. if you have ever once enountered a time where boys pulled a girl's hair to get their attention and girls who poked things with sticks out of sheer curiosity, then you'll probably understand how this girl's noggin' computes. she's the one that giggles at her own punny jokes, the girl that trusts even the con-man down the street, and the loves-to-be-in-love 16 year old girl that falls for boys harden then she's tripping over air. to say the least, amy is not one to ever be put in charge, merely due to the fact that she can't take life seriously and would probably plumet all sources of victory to the very depths of despair, simply because there was a pretty-pink butterly in view. it also doesn't help the fact that she's also easily fasinated by the littlest things. even a crack in the road falls as a source of intrest. let's also not forget how gosh-darn gullible amy is. she believes everything and anything, as long as you make it sound cool. you tell her you were santa claus, and i'm sure the thing's asking you why santa never got her that pony.

when you're as gullible and naive as amy, you have that one inability to see the wrong in - well - anyone. in amy's eyes, there are no such thing as harsh realities and there deems no existance of any bad person. you could be an axe murderer for all she cared, and amy would come up with an excuse to say that you were just a, "little cranky at the time". her ways of throwing trust on a string is from wanting to see the better in everyone, whether you've done something wrong or did something without meaing, amy will always try to forgive you even if you can't forgive yourself. amy just believes in too many things, and it has her head way too high in the clouds to really call her back down. the optimism that comes with that fact causes amy to shed a somewhat irritating aspect. sometimes she's just too chirpy, too discreet or too dense to realize what she's doing. as someone who cherishes affection, she always seems to try to get on everyone's good side, whether it be talking with them (technically her talking for them), or sticking to their side like a pup would to their mother; because of it, she often gets easily attached to others, causing her to get clingy and possessive and maybe a little jealous at times - not to mention whiney. she's always liked being the one treated by another's affections and it only adds to her childish actions. but, that doesn't always mean she likes being reliant on others. truthfully, as nice as it is to get babies by other people, amy would rather do things on her own. just - not on her own and without a friend in the world, if that makes any sense.

there are other times where she can't understand certain situations for she was never one to be able to read between the lines at the beginning. say, you're having a bad day and you subtly tell her to put away the shoes she left scattered around the door, amy would probably miss the tone in your voice and complain about how she'd do it later. sometimes she's rather umbearable, too slow to realize her own actions or the idiocy she ensues. she's a child without reigns and causes others to treat her likewise to one. but, despite being like that one annoying little sister and not knowing much about personal space or boundaries, amy will always mean well. she may get caught into a couple sticky situations, might draw the line more often than once and is figureatively more of a whiney child than her given age, amy is always willing to be that one shoulder to cry on; that bestfriend needed to cram with for exams, that person who tells you to follow your heart, the girlfriend to call when you need someone to listen and the corny comic-relief that laughs even at herself. she may be the girl who cries over the littles things, the girl who babbles on about why the sky is blue, the girl who wants you to look at how cool her drawing is, the girl who dreams about her one prince charming, and the girl who bubbles with laughter far too often for her own good, but she is also the girl who does the dumbest things just so she can see you smile.
romance and boys as cliche as it sounds, because who doesn't love a little of both?
” singing in the car - or in the shower. one of the two.
” discovering new things - and pretending they've never been discovered before.
eating. and food. or eating and food together.
” being mark's friend.
” shoujo manga/anime. something new her cousin's shown her. "this is magic, jason!"

” secrets. she doesn't get told them often.
wearing her glasses or getting caught wearing them.
people touching her hair (mark and jason touch it all the time, though).
kimchi. she eats it - but it doesn't mean she likes it.
when she snorts during laughter.
” papaya because it's out to kill her. (explain in trivia).
” drawing, paiting, ceramics, etc. anything an artisan would usually do.
watching cartoons. adventure time especially!
hanging out with mark. does that count?
listening to music. favors mkto, ariana grande and cody simpson. (her current eargasm is mkto's "classic".)
reading manga, watching anime. again, introduced by her cousin.
” skinshipping or invading personal space.
” konglish-ing to friends, family, strangers.
talking to herself.
” humming to one song repetively.
” dogs. little or small, they have rabies and she knows it.
angry mark.
” she gives a lot of nicknames to people.
” she names her items sometimes. her handphone's name is betty.
” she snorts when she laughs, but it's not freqeunt. it's a come and go thing.
” she has never traveled outside of cali before, and gets jealous because both jason and mark have.
” she's an easy blusher, but it's usually her own fault.
” she carries around a sketch pad and pencils in her bag, but usually only draws at night and in her room. 
” she tries to find inspiration in everything. even in her fries.
” she's not an amazing singer or dancer. uh, e for effort.
” she's never really allowed in the kitchen, so jason cooks the most between the two.
” she's required to do the laundry at home because that's her job under jason's roof.
” she shares the same birthday as mark.
she's allergic to papaya.
” more coming soon.
fish are friends, not food.
THE OLDER BROTHER COUSIN = cheon "jason" jaeson / 26 / resturant manager + head chef / intellectual, goofy, charming, reliable / despite having a cold outter appearance, jason is nothing of the sort. rather, he's more of a soft-hearted gentleman than anything and he always seems to have an eye out for his little cousin. although he's extremely intelligent, there are times when the guy's a little airheaded - a trait he seems to share with his relative. his caring nature often causes the guy to become a little naive, but easily recovers not too long before  he's getting into danger. knowing this, amy often tries to trick her cousin into doing things, most often ending with him chuckling at her and legitmately sitting on her on the couch. "ahh, so you tried to fool me, again?" "d-dammit! it worked for like, a second!". as amy's current guardian, jason will often pester and lecture amy more often than her mother does. be it from cleaning her room to putting on a thicker jacket, if amy hasn't been scolded, then this man will do the job. and although, outside of the house, these two don't seem very close (because they're hardly out of the house together) they're a closer than you think. he knows when to avoid papaya in his dishes and she knows when to obey jason's rules, because believe me, his spatula has a few more purposes than one. and even if jason and amy aren't brother and sister, they sure do act like it. hell, amy's even claimed him as her sibling before, and people actually believe her. their relationship goes as far as sharing clothes (on amy's part) and to the point of jason already getting used to it.
BIRTHPLACE: los angeles, california
HOMETOWN: los angeles, california
PERSONALITY: unlike amy, mark is quite the introverted person. he's the type of guy who doesn't speak unless spoken to, doesn't go out of his way to make friends and doesn't state his opinions unless they're really needed. because of this, he's often looked upon as unapproachable, but people like amy come around to break that. mark is often a little awkward, never knowing what to do around certain situations when there are so many people invovled and you can just imagine him being that kid that sat in the corner of the class, just reading a book all alone. mark is also never trying to fit in like others. he doesn't feel the need to be like everyone else and prefers to not get into a certain crowd. that's probably why he only has one friend - and she came to him first. however, mark isn't too much of a cold person. sure, he doesn't talk a lot or finds little interest in things, but he's secretly really dorky on the in. if you spend enough time with him and crack open his usually locked doors, you'll see that he's just as exuberant and childish as amy. you've just gotta find the right timing, since he's not the type of guy who likes showing you those sides to him. if anything, he's just a little tsundere, as jason would say.
” he hates to be called by his taiwanese name (regrets telling it to amy).
” he hates getting tickled, but likes tickiling  amy because she's ticklish everywhere.
” he has a brother-like relationship with jason.
” he took martial arts as a kid.
” he has one little brother and two older sister (joey, grace and tammy).
” he gets a little cautious around girls, other than amy.
” he hates getting embarrassed and making a fool out of himself.
” he likes when amy smiles or laughs. (but, he's not gonna admit it).
” he loves jason's cooking, which is why he comes over a lot. "can i stay for dinner?"
” he's majoring marine biology, because he likes science and fishies.
” he lives in the same apartment building as jason and amy do.
he works at the aquarium, required to give out fish facts and such.
hey, stranger.
WHY IS YOUR CHARACTER IN YEOLEUM?: because amy has never been to her parent's hometown (yeoleum) in korean or korea in general, jason decided to spoil her a little and established a trip there for two to three weeks. apparently, he's been saving up to go by himself, since he's been wanting to meet friends who have stayed in yeoleum, but thought it'd be more fun with other people. amy was completely elated and still is.
WHY IS YOUR LOVE INTEREST IN YEOLEUM?: courtesy to the trip, jason also invited mark so that amy wouldn't be so lonely when jason would be with his friends. jason also thought that it'd be a great idea to get those two to spend more time together again, since school and work kept getting in the way of their hangs out together.
IS THIS THE FIRST TIME YOUR CHARACTER IS IN YEOLEUM? WHERE IS YOUR CHARACTER STAYING?:yes, is the first time she's been to yeoleum since she's never traveled anywhere before, nor has she ever been on a plane. amy doesn't know exactly where she's staying, but jason said they'll be with his friend's for the time being.
IS THIS THE FIRST TIME YOUR LOVE INTEREST IN YEOLEUM? WHERE IS YOUR LOVE INTEREST STAYING?: although mark has traveled many places before, taiwan and around china and all, he's never been to korea either so it should be a cool experience for the both of them. he'  staying wherever amy's staying, since she's hopeless without jason and him anyways.
lights, camera, action.
PAST RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN YOUR CHARACTER & LOVE INTEREST?:before the trip, well i think it's already pretty clear that these two are close friends. they've been friends since they were little, thanks to amy for the most part. their relationship together hasn't changed that much through-out the years; their personalities are so very different, but that thing about opposites attract - well, that's pretty true in this case. around mark, you could say amy's a bit of a clinger; she always wants to be by mark and always likes to talk to mark, and always makes it seem like she has a crush on him but, in reality, she thinks and treats him like a precious, precious friend. while mark doesn't show as much affection as amy does, he doesn't always reject her actions. sure, sometimes he pulls away when she leans on his shoulder or wriggles around when she gives him a back hug, but mark doesn't really hate it. he just gets embarrassed when amy does it because she acts so naturally touchy around him when mark isn't touchy at all (unless he has to be). it causes him to a lot; to mess with her hair or tickle her sides as a defense mechanism. sit on her, kick her , bonk her head, pinch her cheeks, call her "dumby", walk away or simply laugh at all her stupid anticts. but, other than that, amy's the skinshipper in their relationship. it's always been like that. although, since she's been getting cuddly with him for so long, she often gets scared when mark has bolder counter-attacks - like brushing the hair over her ears or wiping her lip? no, mark. you're not allowed to do that.
she follows him like a pup and he's there to pick her up when she's tripping all over the damn place. but, even if mark isn't showing how much he loves amy - he does. she's his only actual friend afterall. he would never think of leaving her alone for he makes it his own job to watch her when jason's not around. and amy makes it her job to make her ariel smile even when he hardly does around other people.
FIRST MEETING:i think they met during first grade, or something like that. typical mark was sitting alone by the drawing table, reading a picture book of the little mermaid, while amy waddled around with a box of crayons. she then suddenly took a seat next to mark, smiled widely and scribbled on a sheet of paper. mark tried to walk away, neatly closing his book to relocate, but was grabbed on the sleeve by the little amy. "wait!" she said with a toothy grin. "i drew you! see? lookit!". the boy was taken by curiosity and saw that there really was a drawing of him. albeit messy and smeared in ugly colors, but it sort of looked like him. "why did you draw me?" he asked amy, and she just doodled and scribbled on her paper some more. "because i'm amy, and i like you! let's be friends!"
congratulations, you have survived.
SCENE REQUESTS: none atm. i'm so laze rn. ; - ;
COMMENTS: OH JEBUS CHRIST I HAVEN'T WRITTEN AN APP IN FOREVER SO THIS IS KIND OF TRASH AND IT LACKS DETAILS AND I'M SORRY AUGH. i'll probably add more when i have the time, but i really don't anymore and it's upsetting ugh. mysummerrrr. i'm sorry if my writing changes here and there, because i actually used an old personality for amy, since i never submitted the app. orz i'm hoping that it's not too late and that it's at least okay. mgh magahsdkasd. sorry for the trouble and thankyou for the extension!

i made that gif myself. isn't girim cute? amg-


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hoduken #1
stalking but cute
; A ;