So busy...oh so busy....

*sigh* Im really sad everyone T.T I love being busy physically but its almost impossible when everything I do is online and my wifi source is limited now. Like Im a reviewer for a shop. I use the little wifi I get at times to read the story (since its a lot of chapters) but reading it isn't the problem. Its writing the actual review. I have my review planned out in my head but I can't even do what I gotta do because of lack of wifi! And my life is in a bitter stage right now. Im on the urge of just shutting down everything and going on hiatus but then...I feel that if I do, I'll feel like I've given up even if its only for a short ammount of time.

Then my only fanfiction on this site...its doing so well...well it was doing well. I haven't been able to update it for a while ;_; I feel such a big disconnection from my busy life. I miss it. I really do. Im only blogging about it because I feel like maybe someone out there is going through something in their life like me and they had to make sacrifices. My only sacrifice is my busy life.

People say everything will get better at some point, but things have been messed up for a while; like a really long time. Writing has been my only outlet and I feel like its been taken away from me...


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