Review for Minimalist. (Will be taking down later)

~ Story Title: 2/5

To be completely honest, I actually didn't want to read the story because of the title. If I were just scrolling through stories to read, I would more than likely scroll past without second thought. The word is not only sort of uncommon but it doesn't really embody an interesting story. I do give you credit for picking something that is indeed unique because a lot of authors tend to use a lot of stereotypical titles. Something that can add just a little extra edge to your title is that if your aiming for a one word title, ask yourself if it would sound better with the word "The" in front of it because if I was scrolling and saw "The Minimalist", It would spark my interest just a bit more but at the same time also consider that using that word before the title also means that your story will focus around someone that keeps the story going and exciting. After reading, I see that there are two main characters that keep this story going so either making the title plural or adding "The" beforehand would probably help just a little. But like I said before, credit for thinking outside the box. (And there is a period after your title. Period don't belong at the end of a title.)

~ Appearance: 7/10

a.) Poster and Background (2/5)

The poster has a really cool design so I do like that but at the same time, it doesn't spark interest. It does touch up on the focus of who the two main characters are but that's just about it. There is no title either which is actually really the main thing you need for a poster. The title needs to stick out on the poster. Even if someone thinks the title is boring, seeing it on a really cool poster can make it ten times better and you would have a better chance of someone clicking your story to check it out. 

b.) Lay-out and Formatting (5/5)

Everything is pretty neat and it place so no real complaints from me here on this part. I could read it all pretty well. And there weren't line breakers thrown everywhere so I'm really glad I didn't run into that. Good job here. 

~ Description and Foreword: 7/10

Your first line is definitely an eye catcher I must admit. I like my descriptions short, sweet/spicy/special, and straight to the point. Shouldn't be more than a paragraph and a half. Maybe two paragraphs if you really need to but normally if you do it right, a paragraph should be just enough. Once you learn to attract your reader with fewer words, writing the foreword and the chapters and anything else of that matter will be a breeze. The second line is what threw me off a little though. You said the "Romance fell apart". I feel like that could've been worded a bit differently because it made me go back to the first line and really think about it. "Romance isn't perfect" is from the first line and to be honest, it isn't but I feel like after reading the few chapters that are up, romance is really not the word you should use for the description at all. It's not a bad description but it might make the reader retrace what they read which is what you don't want. You want them to be into what they read so much that they are itching to read that first chapter. I think either "relationships" or "love" would have been better in place of "romance." It may be cliche a little but it makes sense. Romance is associated with mostly feelings so saying romance isn't perfect is like saying that the feeling of romance isn't perfect, which doesn't really make sense. As for the third line, same thing. The wording could be tweaked a little. Try adding the word "while" to either the beginning or the middle to spice up the sentence instead of using the word "one" twice. The last line is perfect and I really liked it so nothing needs to be fixed with that. Even still, some readers might not look into it as much as I am but it is always good to be prepared. 

~ Character Development: 14/15

a.) Unity of the Characters and Their Actions (4/5)

I like the characters but at certain points, I did notice that their actions kinda became the same. I felt like at certain points, they both could've been the same person because of their actions. You did well at making sure the reader understood who they were but sometimes I think their actions contradicted their personalities that were impressively detailed in the story. 

b.) Evolution of the Characters (5/5)

So far, I actually really like how you are taking your time with these characters. They seem well thought out and not just thrown out of a mind dump. They stay in character mostly and I like how you throw in little unknown body habits that they have in certain points of the story as well. Those may be small details but they are really great in getting the reader to connect with character by mentioning those small details from time to time. Mentioning them and placing them correctly can result in positive effects on your reader which is what you want. The character dialogue is also consistent in terms of how the character talks. So you did that really well too. 

c.) Point of View Used (5/5)

This is third person obviously and you made it very clear.  I didn't notice any sudden POV changes so that's good. I like that you decided to use third person because even though first person can add suspense, it's hard to touch up on certain aspects that can be better expressed through third person. Plus since there are two main characters, we can have better outlook on both of the character's feelings at the same time instead of constantly wondering at the time through the mind of the person currently narrating. 

~ Plot: 31/35

a.) Originality (4/5)

The idea itself is very common. The typical you cheated on me and now we are going through problems but the difference here is that you took this and started it from an entirely different viewpoint which gives excitement to the story and adds life to it as well. This is what you want. Reading through the story, I did not feel like I read something similar the other day. So I like that you took this very common idea and turned it into something worthy of reading. 

b.) Setting of the Story (5/5)

You were very descriptive with your setting in the beginning and I liked that it wasn't pointless. Sometimes authors will describe the setting for the sake of just letting the reader know what the surroundings look like but the main goal for the setting is have a character connect with it. You connected the settings to the characters and your interactions were spot on. I liked how the characters were portrayed in a public setting versus a non public setting. It is realistic for people to go in public and sometimes seem slightly different from who they really are so I liked that you touched up on how they acted in their homes as well as public places. 

c.) Theme of the Story (3/5)

I am pretty sure there is a theme in the making but since the story is still only beginning and the chapters are not really that lengthy, the theme is slightly unclear. Hopefully it will begin to show as your story flourishes. 

d.) Flow and Pattern of Events (9/10)

Everything is labeled so the reader should not have a hard time following the time frame. Everything so far is going smoothly. The first chapter is the present and then the chapters that follow are flash backs until it catches the readers up with the present. I always like this type of flow because it adds interest to the reader and it makes them extra curious as to what happened to lead up to this point. Only thing I want to point out though is that everything in the beginning is focused on after the two main character's break up, which is fine but I think adding moments or chapters to touch up on their relationship before the break up would help. You could even show how they met as well because right now, you tell the reader little glimpses of what their relationship was like but you should also show a little as well instead of allowing the reader a lot of open air to assume constantly. This story is just starting out so hopefully you did plan a few extra tricks up your sleeve for this. Also don't forget to touch up on any third party characters that help the story advance. In this story, Baekhyun is what fuels some of Kyungsoo's emotion so be sure to show just a tad bit more of that to allow the reader to feel what Kyungsoo is feeling. 

e.) Conflicts and Resolutions (10/10)

Not much resolution right now but the conflicts are clear. The two main characters are not only having partial conflict with each other but within themselves as well. I think the conflicts that they have with themselves is very interesting because they battle with what they are thinking versus what they are saying. The conflict with one another is also very interesting as well because it's not your average conflict. It's really passive aggressive a little. I like where the conflict is going and I like that you are taking your time developing this conflict instead of just throwing it all out on the table. 

~ Grammar and Writing Style: 17/20

a.) Choice of Words and Use of Language (5/5)

For the most part, this story isn't dull but it has this monotone feeling to it. I feel like it's an all black and white story looking for some color. Your wording is really great in the chapters. Your descriptive style was very easy to read and to comprehend. 

b.) Grammatical Errors (7/10)

There were not many grammatical errors, which is good, but there are a lot of incomplete paragraphs. Normally some sentences can be added to touch up on suspense and such but there were a lot of one sentences paragraphs and I read this through my phone at first so it didn't seem like it but once I looked at it through the desktop version, it definitely is very noticeable. Its okay the shorten some paragraphs but it also helps to have lengthier ones to balance everything and connect ideas. Other than that, everything else was mostly okay. One more thing though. Make sure to be consistent with names. I noticed that you used "Kai" in one of the sentences instead of "Jongin" and of course considering the circumstances, the readers already know their names but the names that you present with are the names you need to stick with unless you make an official change explained within the story. 

c.) Writing Style (5/5)

You do spectacular imagery I must say. I know I have said this before but your descriptive writing is really your best strength for this story and it shows. You have a unique writing style that is easy to recognize and that's great. I also noticed it is very neat and laid out, kinda like Jongin in the story. I don't know if you did that on purpose but it's really cool. 

~ Over-all Enjoyment: 5/5

Even though I thought I wouldn't enjoy the story that much as first, I actually really liked it and left a comment for you to update because even with all the stuff that I mentioned, I still really enjoyed it. I read it twice. The first time using my common eye and the second time, I used my reviewers eye. Reading it the first time around had me wanting more despite everything my reviewers eye picked up. I actually subscribed and stayed subscribed because I want to see more. I enjoyed this story so much and I hope you decide to continue and keep on going with this story so that it can reach it's full potential :) 

Total Grade: 83/100 (83%)


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