Of books and movies

iloveanime recommended Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake before but it was only two days ago after aleric suggested it to be added in my friends' rec list, that I had the courage and the time to actually read it. Ehe. Thank you, guys. I liked it :D

The cover creeped me out and I don't really read books on witches and ghosts >_<  so I put off reading it for so long. But I must say, I liked the narration. Cas' point of view was interesting to read and the story just flowed. There were no dull moments. The mystery of Anna got me hooked that after finishing Anna Dressed in Blood, I continued reading Girl of Nightmares. While the first book kept me on the edge of my seat, I took me a longer time to get used to the pace set by the sequel. But as I reached the more interesting final chapters, I realized the importance of the previous chapters - mostly why it had to be so frustrating.

So now, I can't wait for a third book. I visited Ms. Blake's website and she is working on Special Project B3 which I assume to be Book 3 of the series. Other than Anna series, she also has a trilogy (Goddess War series) and a stand-alone, so I am hoping that this Special Project B3 is the continuation of Cas and Anna's story.

Yay! Today, I won an ebook giveaway. HAHA. I read the first book, Deathwatch by Dana Marton, free and I really liked her strong characters and because my giftcard is really, really low, I entered a giveaway. There are five books in this series. And I asked for the second book as my prize. 

And talking about series, I received updates on book 4 of the Lunar Chronicles. It's Levana's story, Fairest. I should participate in the contests and giveaways.



(edit: Fairest will be released on January 27, 2015 and Winter will follow in November.)

(Ugh, never again will I read the first book in a series. I should stick with stand-alones -_- because I want to read this and I am still waiting for Winter! Don't get me started with Blood of Olympus.) #to-read

Oh! I am such a softie and I just... Ugh! Go read Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan. Read the synopsis here. It's written in first person pov and don't worry, the switching of pov's (although a pet peeve) works and is not annoying. The jumping between past and present scenes won't leave you confused, it's pretty easy to follow. You won't get frustrated with the female lead either. And ugh, I have reduced myself to a puddle of feels reading this >////<  #soembarassing #whatishappeningtome #keeperrecommends

If you are in need of books to read, just browse through the comments in this post. My friends had really good book suggestions. Add more to it if you like.

What else? Oh! I watched Transformers: Age of Extinction last Sunday with my sister. I liked the special effects but having seen it done so many times before, it gets old. It's over two hours (I think) and yet, I didn't feel any connection with the human characters. I know this is the first of a trilogy but really, I should at least empathize with one of them after two hours of watching. I cried for Ratchet, and then after that, there's Bumblebee's "Can't Touch This" scene and then Optimus Prime's "farewell". 

I really want to like, like it, but the storyline is lacking something.  This is not a movie I would recommend. 

(edit: Han Geng's cameo lasted for 5-10 seconds. Didn't even know he would be in the movie, until my sis told me.)


(Not going to watch Black Butler, although I have seen the trailer already, because... my sister won't go with me -_- To those who have seen that anime, I am telling you, there is a movie and Sebastian is played by Hiro Mizushima. He looks handsome.)



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official #1
uuuugh i was at the livechat where marissa talked about fairest and unf
she read a little passage at the end and it was so wonderfully bloody that i could not contain myself. but i really was looking forward to reading winter this winter. and it's going to be a year + since we get it. ah well

awkward side note: im writing a kpop fanfic right now set in the world marissa created for the lunar chronicles. is that plagiarism or just crossover writing?

it seems none of my readers so far have read the lunar chronicles and it's sad bc it's an awesome series and prince kai is canon so

hangeng was in the transformers bc he wrote a song for it right
I didn't like the first couple Transformers because of Shia Lebouf and Magan Fox (both annoyed me for some reason) but this fourth one looks really promising ^^

For books have you ever read The Night Circus? I think it's pretty interesting so far oh and Where the Red Fern Grows is a classic. I'm going to warn you though if you don't like sad endings...yeah prepare yourself for this novel ^^; I nearly felt like crying at the end but it's a good book over all :)

Pet Semetary is another book/movie I absolutely love and Carrie ^^ They're creepy and dark of course but those are right up my alley genre wise ha ha.
I liked Transformers, but that's because I basically love anything that Mark's in, so I liked it. The person that played the daughter and boyfriend could have done much better. I think Mark did the best he could, because he was one of the only ones in that movie that actually did well, but the inexperience of the younger cast, the chemistry just wasn't there sometimes. (Like whenever Tessa came on screen, I just wanted to roll my eyes. The only saving grace she had was her hotness to be honest. But even then, I was too busy watching Mark.) (Personally though, I think it was better than the 3rd Transformers, because that one dragged too long and was a huge let down to me special effects wise. (First is still my favorite, but I think the fourth would probably be the best one after that one as the second one had terrible writing and the third had terrible pacing and made a 3 hour movie seem way too long.))

Have you seen 'How To Train Your Dragon 2' yet? That one was pretty good. Not the best sequel, but pretty solid for a sequel. Animation was really nice for that one.
Watch as I kick my chair out this fourth story window because wHAT BOOK 4 IS BACKSTORY, NOT WINTER???????????? WAT?????????????
Some people said they spent 3 hours watching Transformer 4