Sorry, but I'm gonna go on a rant for a minute. 

So i was just looking at some videos of young talented singers and on practically all the boys, there was this feud going on between if they were gay or not. And i couldn't help but get angry at this.

I just feel that you can't make assumptions on such a young kid. (i'm not saying they're straight/gay)

They will come to terms with themselves in due time and until then why don't we all just back off and leave them alone?

Why do they all need a label anyway? It's just hurtful to us all to always rush to label ourselves as this, that or the other. 

Just let them be.

They only get this attention because they are somewhat famous or on the internet - You don't go up to a random person on the street and start debating about what they think their uality is.

uality is a spectrum, it is not either black or white - Men can be feminine without being gay.

In fact even that in itself is an accepted form of ism, because we classify things as 'feminine' or 'masculine', People define others by how they dress or walk or style their hair. They believe that all people follow the stereotypes or assume because they look/act similar to themselves, that they have the same uality.

It just frustrates me so much in modern day society - Even were it is excepted and tried to be open about it, it is making a new problem by making it such a big deal.

Like the whole 'coming out' thing. Why do we need this? Why is it so important for someone to recognise their uality and then have to flaunt it in front of family and friends, and everyone must do this... unless they are straight? As if everyone is straight until proven not. It's stupid.

And 'gay marriage', why does it need another category from 'marriage' in that case why not label it 'straight marriage', and then what about people who are non-binary? It's ridiculous, I am waiting when people finally realise it is just 'marriage', no matter who it involves.

Ok rant over. Didn't mean for it to be as long as that, but oh well.



BabyLocket Xx


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Reality: Be yourself.
Reality: Change.

Don't mind the society. They always judge you whether you're doing right or wrong. Just do what you think is right.

It's 21st century, people really don't mind the es.