Baekyeon Couple

Ok, so I'm back with another blog post about Exo. This time about Baekhyun and Taeyeon. Please leave the couple alone, for gods sake. Honestly, I don't get why people can't just be happy for the couple, or just leave them alone. I'm not trying to bash any Exo fans, but seriously just back off and stop being so urgh. How do you call yourself a fan when your hurting the idol you love? Just because he has a girlfriend doesn't mean you need to stop being his fan, or call him a traitor. Like, seriously? Why do u have to bully him and his girlfriend? Honestly, what do you get out of it? All those fans out there hurting Taeyeon because she's dating your Baekhyun Oppa? What sense does that make? Why is she apologizing for dating/liking Baekhyun? Why does she have to shed tears because of senseless "fans"? I'm sorry if I had just offended anyone who read this, but this is just what I sincerely feel, and if you don't like the way I feel, you may ignore me all you want. 

~Forever on Exo's side

~Taeyeon Unnie Fighting! 


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Honestly, I am not offended by anything that you posted. I agree that people should leave them alone because they aren't doing anything wrong by dating. They like each other so it's fine for them to date. It's understandable that fans are upset/shocked by the sudden break-out news. They're hurt. But, I don't think by demanding an apology from any of them is right. Right now, the real issue of why TY is apologizing to her fans is really only between ksones and TY. Outsiders (EXO fans and random intl fans) are jumping to the conclusion that she's apologizing for everything (as if it's wrong or something). They're taking the opportunity of kones-TY issue by joining in and making it a huge thing. But, really it's not about Baek at all. Okay, I'm not sure if I'm getting my message/explanation across but I hope it at least give you an idea? LOL But yeah, fans that called Baek a traitor is really an act of irrational and current state of hurt at the moment they were in. I doubt they really meant it. And supposedly, those 'fans' that called him traitor weren't even EXO fans to begin with. But, over all, I am happy that Baek is finally with his bias LOL I mean, hey, we all dream of being with our bias one day, right? LOL He's living the dream.
People aren't mad because they are dating, but because they were hinting and using secret symbols for each other on their social networks. They claimed that the social networks were only for their fans but now, they are doing these symbols and the fans are assuming that Tae and Baek think fans are stupid. Also, there were some other things Tae and Baek said on shows that was just hypocritical. I'm not gonna be explaining all that cus I'm too lazy to, but yeah. You get the point right? Fans aren't mad because they are dating, but they are mad because of the way the couple are treating the situation.
Just saying, I'm not hating on the couple but just projecting out what the anti-baekyeon fans are saying.
Maybe we are just so damn liberal over here (u.s.) but I totally agree. I mean, whether anyone wants to believe it or not, an idol won't stay single forever. They are going to date, HAVE , marry and have kids. OH MY GOD SHE SAID IT!!

Get over it.