Im Haera - The Cheerful Optimist - Our Little Cafe

Im haera

username — Eyesmile-Jiyu

nickname — Jini

activity rate — 8/10


name — Im, Haera

-- RanRan (This is what her friends call her)
-- Aegi/Baby (Her brother call her with this)
-- Puppy/Kangaji (The girls at the cafe call her this because of her cute face.)

birthdate — April 16, 1997

birthplace — Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

hometown — Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Full Korean

language(s) —
-- Korean (Fluent)
-- French (Basic/Learned)


i'll become the last love that you can look upon - a pink

face claim — Yooyoung (Hellovenus) with long hair

gallery — Tumblr

backup face claim — Haeryung (Bestie)

gallery — Tumblr



weight — 52kg


APPEARANCE — Haera has long dark brown hair and it is parted on the right. Her eyes are big and droopy-looking that is why she is often called "Puppy/Kangaji". Her cheeks and very chubby that you want to pinch her cheeks. Her face shape is oblong. She likes to keep her hair untied and also likes braiding it to one side.

FASHION STYLE — Haeara loves to layer tops. She wears a long sleeve white tops under sleeveless sweaters a lot. She also loves to try new styles. She likes clothes with laces, gems, patchwork and many more. She likes to wear jeans that are not that tight because she will feel uncomfortable wearing very tight ones. Haera likes both girly and boyish styles. She sometimes likes to wear pom pom beanies, snapback hats and other hats along with her clothes. She likes to wear cute accesories.
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

my mind is closed against everyone else - 15&

plotline — The Cheerful Optimist
backup plotline — The Shy Sweetheart

traits —
Positive: Buoyant, Bright, Optimistic, Kind-hearted, Intelligent, Humble, Sweet, Playful and Mature
Negative: Sensitive, Prideful, Lazy, Greedy, Straightforward, Short-Tempered, Coward, Impatient and Stubborn

personality — 

Haera is the most cheerful among the girls. You would always see her bright smile and she is always there to cheer up someone. Haera is cute inside and out. You'll see her cute natural aegyo coming out and it's not intentional at all. You'd think of flowers and sunshine whenever she's around because of her personality. She is really sweet and will always hug the girls and treats them like they are her own sisters since she only has a brother. She is really sensitive and short-tempered so she gets affected easily. She hides and just cries silently and secretly. When she was young, she doesn't fight back bullies at all but now she does everthing to fight back in a more mature and clever way. She's kind and very considerate whether she knows the person well or not. She is always the one who cheers up the girls. This girl has a ver intelligent and clever mind. She thinks twice or even more before doing anything. You seriously don't need a calculator when she's with you. Haera likes to invent techie stuff like devices that can be useful to her and especially their cafe. She was the one who made the surveilance device. She plans things very well and you can count on her when you don't know what to do.

Haera loves skinship with the girls and is really sweet to them. She has a lot of pride and she often gets angry at herself when she fails to do things well. Haera is really plaful at the cafe and dances around and sings whenever she's cleaning before opening the cafe. She gives a lot of aegyo service to increase the popularity of the cafe. Haera is a friendly person so it is not hard for her to make friends with people. She'll be lazy when she starts to get tired. After a long day at the cafe, she'll be gathering her things like a zombie because she starts to get drowsy or sleepy whenever she gets tired. Greedy when it comes to snacks and candies. Yeah, Haera loves food especially those mentioned and because of that, she'll be really greedy and wants it all to herself but she ends up giving some to the girls anyway because of her love for them. Straightforward, Haera doesn't like to lie to people and she always tells them what she thinks. Haera can be really clumsy around the cafe. She might bump or drop things whenever she's hurrying. Haera is truly a scaredycat when it comes to insects and horror sounds but she's brave when the girls watches horror movies. Don't leave her waiting or she'll be Sleeping Beauty when you come back for her. Haera will sulk and be stubborn. That is normal everyday and she whines a lot but the girls think it's really cute especially when she's pouting at them. She is mature in contrary to her young age. Haera is like a ray of sunshine when the girls are tired or upset. She tries to fight negativity with her cheerfulness and brightness. She is really hopeful and optimistic everyday. She'll always seek the brighter side of everything.


background — Haera grew up as the cute and sweet only daughter of her parents. She always has been sweet and cheerful but she was more scared and negative when she was young. She was bullied sometimes because of her cheerful atittude. Some of the girls in her class thought that she was so annoying and that is why she was being bullied. She didn't know what to do and just cried whenever she's bullied but that changed when she was in high school. She started to just be positive and planned on how to deal with the bullies. She scared them with her smart mind and excellent acting skills. She used her intelligence to scold and lecture the bullies about what they are doing and she used her acting skills to scare them and told them what the principal will do to them once she knows of what they did.

Her older brother was always there to comfort her and protect her. Jaebum would scold the bullies and tell them that he is a black belter in Hapkido. Haera laughed a lot because her brother isn't really a black belter but he loves to b-boy. Haera has an "Older Brother Complex" which means she loves her brother a lot and they are very close since they were young. They never fought even once. Haera was just biking around Seoul when she spotted the cafe. She loved how cozy it was and decided to apply for a job. Her Dad's business failed and their family  income decreased. Haera's family is rich because of her Grandfather who is a CEO of a famous hotel. Her Mom is a chef and a baker and she surely inherited her skills. Her Mom is a chef before but she is now a housewife but she sells pastries. Their Dad is the one inheriting the business of his Father but he needed more skills before he becomes the new CEO so he started businesses but he failed so he started studying and improving his skills to impress his Father. Haera needed money for her own use. She wanted to open up a bakery for her Mom and she wants to study Fashion. She is currently learning Makeup by watching beauty shows and surfing the net. She also has a tutor who teaches her French. Her Grandfather wanted to be the one who will provide money so she could study Fashion but Haera wants to be mature and she wants to earn the money herself. The bakery is her own gift for her Mom while to learn Fashion is her gift for herself. Haera really wants to travel with her family and friends when she has enough money to take them all with her and treat them.

-- Food
-- Makeup
-- Fashion
-- France
-- Nail Art
-- Cute puppies and kitties
-- Cute accesories
-- Rainbow Loom
-- Mystery and Detective Books, Mangas, Dramas and Animes

dislikes — 
-- Insects
-- Horror Sounds
-- Heights
-- Bad People
-- Bad smell
-- Crimes

hobbies — 
-- Playing games
-- Playing piano
-- Shopping
-- Designing/Sketching Clothes
-- Putting makeup on whenever she's in front of a mirror
-- Eating
-- Making bracelets with loom bands

habits — 
-- Eyesmiling
-- Saying "Ottokaji" or "Eottokhe"
-- Tapping her lips when thinking
-- Pouting
-- Puffing her cheeks
-- Poking her cheek
--Putting her hair behind her ear
fears — 
-- Insects
-- Horror Sounds

-- Her ideal type is someone gentleman, sweet, funny and manly. Someone who has a gentle voice.
-- Give her corn or candy and she'll love you forever.
-- This is her makeup bag.
-- Has a makeup collection which has 500+ products.
-- Jaebum and Haera has sibling bracelets.
-- Dahyun hasn't experienced falling in love yet.
-- This is her school bag.
-- She has a pet puppy named "Sherry"

i will protect her - infinite

family — 

— Im Jongsik| GrandFather | 65 | CEO | Alive

Im Jaesun | Father | 49 | Businessman | Alive
— Im Hyeyeon | Mother | 47| Baker | Alive
Im Jaebum | Older Brother | 20 | Student | Alive

just look at me - boyfriend

friends — 

Kim Chanmi | Best-friend | 18 | Student | Alive

No Minwoo | Best-friend | 19 | Student | Alive
Shin Xero | Friend | 20 | Student | Alive
— Lee Hyeri | Friend | 20 | Student | Alive

give love, give me some love - akdong musician

love interest — BamBam (Got7)

backup love interest — Xero (Topp Dogg)

NAME — Bambam (Kunpimook Bhuwakul)

BIRTHDATE — May 2, 1997 (17)


personality — Bambam looks cute but he is actually a tough and manly guy inside. He is sometimes quiet. Bambam is an easy-going person who is also very playful and mischievous but he can't open up to people easily. He is always thinking negatively whatever the matter is. He likes to make jokes sometimes to make someone happy or just to lighten the atmosphere. He is really hard-working and smiles most of the time. He is polite and has good manners. Bambam is affectionate about the people he loves. He is very enthusiastic and can get a little talkative. He is very soft-spoken and speaks with a very gentle voice. BamBam has a friendly aura so it is easy for him to make friends. He gets really nervous and anxious sometimes. BamBam is very blunt and he is so negative about things that happen in front of him. He says what he wants to say and he is very honest. 

BamBam is sincere and very thoughtful to the people who are close to him. He sometimes likes to show-off but he isn't that arrogant. He is actually shy and he has passion for what he does. BamBam is a fun-loving person who cherishes the people he loves. He is really a gentleman and is very sweet. He likes to take care of people especially those who are close to him. He opens up really slowly. He will only feel comfortable to do so when you are already close with him.

relationship — Haera was very friendly towards Bambam but he was taken aback by her cheerfulness. He often gets surprised whenever Haera is talking with her cute baby-like voice. He doesn't think it's annoying but the pitch of her voice when she's talking is very high and she's loud so that is why he gets startled when Haera approaches him at first meeting. Haera starts to think that Bambam is weird because he is not talking to herr but just glancing. He never even smiles at her but she does most of the time. Haera found it strange when BamBam smiles when his brothers are talking to him but when Haera calls him, his smile drops and he becomes quiet. He starts to be comfortable and open up as time goes by. He is now often talking to some of the girls. He always argues and fights with Haera since they have like opposite traits. Haera is optimistic and BamBam is pessimistic. They are like Tom & Jerry whenever they are together

BamBam didn't like Haera at all when he first met her because they don't want to work with the girls. Haera was sweet and friendly towards BamBam. BamBam starts to like Haera because of her smile and her sweet and buoyant atittude. He started to glance secretly at Haera whenever she's working and takes pictures of her secretly. His feelings for Haera were hidden until one of his hyungs saw Haera's pictures on his phone. Bambam closed his eyes and was ready to be hit by his hyung but the hit didn't come. The Hyung just smiled and ruffled BamBam's hair. Could it be that he likes one of the girls too? BamBam shook his feelings off and just fought and fought with Haera all day but also his feelings grow more day by day.

why are you shaking up my heart - bangtan boys

comments/suggestions — N/A

scene requests
-- Confession scene of BamBam
-- Tom & Jerry moments of BamBam and Haera
-- Back-hug scene?
-- Haera having skinship with the girls

password"Love is unexplainable"

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